日本語の壁です。ロシア人で英語を書ける人は多いが、日本語はほとんどいない。 https://t.co/cE6BwHNQCN
— buvery (@buvery) June 5, 2023
われわれはおまえを信じない ムイチェーべーニエヴェーリム ”мы тебе не верим”は覚えておくべきかも。
In one of his shortest stories, “What’s Expected of Us”, a device called a Predictor drives humanity insane. The gadget is like a car remote, consisting of a button and a green LED light. The light always flashes one second before you press the button. When people try to outsmart it, they find that to be impossible. The concept demonstrates the lack of free will in this imagined world — and yet why humans need to believe in it in order to survive. All in two-and-a-half pages.
What's Expected of Us - Wikipedia
My message to you is this: pretend that you have free will. It's essential that you behave as if your decisions matter, even though you know that they don't. The reality isn't important: what's important is your belief, and believing the lie is the only way to avoid a waking coma. Civilization now depends on self-deception. Perhaps it always has.
So if he had to invent a term, what would it be? His answer is instant: applied statistics.
But ultimately, what makes our lives meaningful is the empathy and intent we get from human interactions — people responding to one another. With AI, he says: “It feels like there’s someone on the other end. But there isn’t.”
“Science fiction is about change, and helping people imagine the world is different than it is now,” he says.
櫻井翔さん「臆測で傷つく人たちがいる」 ニュースで性加害問題語る https://t.co/P0Piym1hht
— 朝日新聞(asahi shimbun) (@asahi) June 5, 2023憶測にならないように事実をどしどし公表していくのがキャスターの役割だろう。 なにか隠している、なんかの圧力があるとおもわれても致し方ない。
“It’s hard to put a size on things that happen in your life,” Gladys McGarey says. At 102, it’s understandable she would feel that way. Shortly before she was 70, her husband, Bill, to whom she had been married for 46 years, handed her divorce papers.But it was a slow process. “It wasn’t until I was 93 that I really accepted it,” she says.
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