At the heart of these controversies is the distinction between sex and gender. But what is that distinction? How do we think about it? Sex is generally a category that is assigned to infants that has importance within medical and legal worlds. Gender is a mix of cultural norms, historical formations, family influence, psychic realities, desires, and wishes.
One of them held that, well, women are fundamentally mothers and that maternity is the essence of the feminine. And then a second one thought that feminism was about sexual difference, but the way they defined sexual difference was always presumptively heterosexual. And both of them struck me as wrong. I was pretty committed to the idea that people ought not to be discriminated against on the basis of what they do with their body, who they love, or how they move, or how they look.
All I was saying is that the sex you're assigned at birth and the gender that you are taught to be should not determine how you live your life.
an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth:
One problem is that many people who refuse to allow trans people to define themselves is that they feel that their own self-definition is destabilized.
The idea that we can change reality, transform reality to be more open, inclusive, just less violent - there's an instability in that that's very frightening to people who want to understand their genders as fixed.
sex you're assigned at birth and the gender that you are taught to be should not determine how you live your life.
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