


  LGBT法案のもう一つの焦点―学校から医療に送られる子どもたち 千田有紀武蔵大学社会学部教授(社会学)
新党くにもり ウィキ


 kazukazu88 Retweeted 出羽の国も含めて日本のLGBT法案推進派は特異だな。だったら、トランスの定義を法文で「性転換手術を終えた者」にすればいいんじゃないの?



In an unusually critical statement, the UNHCR said: “The legislation, if passed, would amount to an asylum ban – extinguishing the right to seek refugee protection in the United Kingdom for those who arrive irregularly, no matter how genuine and compelling their claim may be.





まあ、そう思う人は多いだろうなあ、おれもそう思ったけど ・・・・もちろん、これから精査が必要だろうけど。

Ropes and Dragon Eggs

As a queer woman, as long as there are no backwards laws targeting people like me, I still want to visit. I live in the US and there are laws that are being passed in a number of states targeting women and the LGBTQ+ community. Our government is going backwards. I hope it doesn't happen in Japan...

Diona Beck

I will say this, i lived in Japan for two years. Now there are no laws against The LGBTQ+, and they are really chill with the LGBTQ+ there, as in more accepting and not being harassed. However, their society is still traditional in the ways of gender norms and diversity. You would be more judged on you being foreign than you being LGBTQ+. But there, i will say that Japan is super great with letting you express yourself easily, which is a plus.

Like they said, Japan is very safe & there’s usually no violence. In 12 years living in Tokyo (& Saitama & Kanagawa) as a gay man, I never had any problems in the streets. In contrast, I went back to Barcelona, my home town, for a few days & I some people started to shout at me & my bf, & we weren’t even holding hands. Barcelona is supposedly a very open city, but violent people and homophobes are also very vocal. I never saw that in Japan.

On the other hand, I had some problems at work. Like they said, most bi & gay men are in the closet. But when they drink they use the excuse of alcohol to approach you. One senpai at work touched my groin during a work nomikai & he grab my arm, trying to force me to touch his groin. I pushed him, and everyone excused him because he was drank 😤 But it wasn’t the first time (「大丈夫、大丈夫、彼は飲むとホモるから」😳) and apparently everyone was OK with that. I would prefer that they were open & they asked me out normally, not trying to force me like that. That’s the only bad experience I’ve had in Japan, though.

My bf is Japanese & we’ve been together for 13 years so there are many nice people too (we left Japan, though… We are getting married soon 🎉 Not possible in Japan yet… )


An American tourist who lost her engagement ring in Tokyo says she got it back thanks to TikTok and the city's unique lost and found system Mikhaila Friel May 30, 2023

Ariel Winton-Jones was reunited with her engagement ring after losing it in Tokyo. 

Winton-Jones told Insider that she credits both TikTok and Tokyo's unique lost and found system.

She said she didn't think the ring would have been returned if she had lost it in the US.
イシイ ディムラ メラニー umbrellas, bicycles and underwear are often stolen here🤣… but valuables? Nothing to worry about😉… Basically, Japan is a safe country… I love Japan❤️



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 この方の場合 「障害の特性を書面」で提出してくれた、というのであり、かなり親切で努力家。


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