歴史的なでたらめは映画にはよくあることで、おれはまだ、許せるが、「白人王子様に選ばれる!」ってアメリカでは批判されなかったのか? てか、『リトル・マーメイド』、ポリコレどころか、奴隷制も人種差別も存在しない歴史修正カリブ海を舞台に黒人の少女たちを「あなたも白人の王子様に選ばれる」とエンパワメントする100%インコレクトな映画で爆笑した。
— bugs grooove (@BugsGroove) June 12, 2023
“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
— 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚊 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 (@AcademiaDreams) June 19, 2022
— Robert Frost pic.twitter.com/3yUbesYAL7
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.感情が音とリズムを見つけると音楽になる、みたいなこともあるかも?
Trump, Johnson and a trial for the rule of lawThe US and the UK need to show that democracies really can hold their leaders to account
The reactions of Trump and Johnson to their current travails are strikingly similar. They have followed the same paranoid and self-interested narrative, claiming that they are the victims of a political conspiracy and that the system is rigged against them and their followers.Such assertions strike at the heart of the US and British images of themselves as mature democracies in which the rule of law is not a charade but a reality.America and Britain need to show that it really is possible to have a system in which political leaders are held to account — and where the rule of law is a reality not a myth.
Meredith Whitney, once dubbed “The Oracle of Wall Street” for predicting the Great Financial Crisis, is relaunching her firm at a time when she predicts that, once again, a large number of banks may disappear.米の地域の中小銀行はやばいな。
'I had closer friendships with random women I met in the bathroom at clubs before I transitioned because of how open women are, than I've had in my 8 years of transitioning because women are just so much more vulnerable and deep than men.'We knew what depth felt like before we transitioned, we knew what it felt like to have people want to hug us, and have people want to talk to us, and have a community.'And then you transition and you're just a guy walking down the street that people cross the street so they're not near you. And friendships are so much harder to build, and people are colder.'Barnes, who is also a motivational speaker, said while holding back his tears, 'I also now understand why the suicide rate is so much higher with men, because this s**t is lonely.
wifi の場所はもっと増やせよ、と思うな。
— Guardian-reading wokerati (@suzuky) June 13, 2023
Woman declared dead by doctors starts breathing and ‘hitting the coffin’ during own funeral She was taken to the Martin Icaza Hospital in the central city of Babahoyo where she is currently on life support医師は資格はく奪だな。
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