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 The Next Phase Of Russia’s War In Ukraine 2022/05/07 










pdf Matthew’s Nonviolent Jesus and Violent Parables 

Verses 45-48 give the motivation for loving enemies: a disciple of Jesus must act this way because this is how God acts, making the sun rise on the evil and the good, sending rain on the just and the unjust (5:45). Because God’s love is indiscriminate, children of God are to love their enemies and not retaliate toward an evildoer in kind. Interrupting cycles of violence, initiating new cycles of  indiscriminate loving deeds (even if unreciprocated) treating enemies as those bound by covenant relationship, praying for persecutors, and initiating relationship with outsiders is a sampling of how disciples of Jesus fulfill the Law, moving toward maturity (5:48) in imitation of God’s righteousness. 

In the Gospels we have no examples of Jesus’ use of violence, even toward those who brutalized and executed him. Instead, in Matthew’s account of Jesus’ arrest, Jesus calls Judas “friend” (26:50) and admonishes, “all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (26:52). When Jesus is spat on in the face, struck, and slapped (26:67), he does not retaliate. In the resurrection appearances he says not a word about those who perpetrated the violence or the punishment they will meet, but only encourages his disciples not to be afraid (28:10), assures them of his presence with them, and sends them out to proclaim the gospel to all (28:19-20). 




 25:41 それから、王は左側にいる人たちにも言う。『呪われた者ども、わたしから離れ去り、悪魔とその手下のために用意してある永遠の火に入れた


 As Matthew describes it (so this theory goes), nonviolent confrontation of evildoers is not pertinent to scenes of end-time judgment. The teaching in the Sermon on the Mount applies to what disciples do in the here and now to confront perpetrators of evil in such a way as to convert them and to safeguard against becoming an evildoer oneself by not imitating the violence of the aggressor.

The final separation of good and evil depicted in violent ways in the eight parables takes place at the end time and it is to be done by God, not by human beings. The problem is that often Christians are tempted to apply this endtime dichotomizing of evildoers and righteous ones in the present.


 The seventh and final interpretative possibility is that God does not change from being all loving and gracious to becoming vindictive and violent at the end time. If divine love remains constant, God does not actively mete out cruel punishment, but those who refuse to imitate the gratuitous, unearned love of God choose instead to fuel the cycles of violence, and thus, God does not become vindictive and violent at the end time. But those who refuse to imitate the gratuitous, unearned love of God choose instead to fuel the cycles of violence and, by their choice, become victims of this violence themselves.



Another question concerns the disagreement in Christian tradition over whether “love your enemy” applies to international foes. Two streams of tradition have held sway: just war theory and Christian pacifism.9 Can both be correct interpretations of Matthew 5:38-48? As Christians today try to resolve these difficult questions, it is most important to take into consideration the stance of Matthew’s community: responding to violence with violence is not a moral option.10

 国際関係の場面で、敵軍にどう対処すべきかはキリスト教でも、正戦論か平和主義かで、 議論は分かれる、と。



2020.06.08 今日の言葉 真の善







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