Is The New Testament Based On Myths? | Pagan Christ | Timeline
出典: フリー百科事典
The Pagan Christ
The Pagan Christ
The truth is that the miracles ascribed to Jesus on earth were already described in the pre-Christian religion. Of this, there is ample proof. Horus is, as we shall see, behind the very same miracles that are repeated in the Gospels and were first performed as mysteries in the divine netherworld, according to the myths.Once the historicization and literalization of the central character in the Jesus myth had taken place, and what had begun as a series of dramas based on a symbolic or mythical redeemer was firmly locked into the four Gospels as actual histories of a god in disguise, the charge of the Pagan enemies and critics of Christianity was sounded. You have stolen all our beliefs and rites, they claimed, and by making them out to be concrete, historical events, you have claimed them as your own. What you have written in your Gospels has all been written before by the sages and demigods whom we revere.In my view, this verdict of the so-called Pagans is now unassailable. When you read, for example, about the saviour figure Horus explicitly making the kind of "I am" claims that conservative Christians loudly teach are wholly unique to Jesus—especially in John's Gospel—you see what these Pagan critics were saying.
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