
"we arm Ukraine so we can fight Russia. "


「ポケモンGO」開発者、9歳で来日した時は日本語が話せなかった…中国残留婦人3世が人気ゲームを作るまで 2022/05/03 



 Okuyama, Masashi ┃奥山真司 Retweeted (いま聞く)酒井隆史さん 大阪公立大教授 「どうでもいい仕事」なぜ増殖 有料会員記事 2022年4月22日 

@motty_owl ベンゲル監督の言葉 #サッカーあるある #サッカー日本代表 #ベンゲル #ベンゲルしか勝たん #アーセナル #サッカー好きと繋がりたい #サッカー大好き ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - Motty




we know now that the war in Ukraine is certainly not about helping the Ukrainian people, those poor people. Many more Ukrainian civilians will die certainly, thanks to the Biden administration's policies.

If you wanted to save Ukraine, its people, its infrastructure, its nation, you would push for a settlement now. You would have done it two months ago, but they're not doing that. 

SCHIFF: As one witness put it during our impeachment inquiry, the United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and we don't have to fight Russia here.  

So, we arm Ukraine so we can fight Russia. 

So, it's not a defense of Russia. You don't have to believe Russia was justified in invading Ukraine. They weren't. It's not a defense of Putin to think to yourself, "Hold on a second here. How did we get here? Talking about nuclear war on the Sunday shows. Should we be? Are we ready for that?" 

It's clear no one in the Biden administration cares or is worried about it at all. The escalation continues at a remarkable pace


If you want to know why our leaders are determined to escalate this conflict, there's your answer. It means more power for them. It means revenge for the 2016 election, and if that means triggering a nuclear conflict between our nation and theirs, so be it.







Democracy Now

STORYMAY 02, 2022

AMY GOODMAN: President Biden has asked the U.S. Congress to give $33 billion more. It will overwhelmingly go to military weapons, presumably, some humanitarian aid. Can you talk about how you see this war ending and the polarization on the U.N. Security Council? What needs to be done now, Jan Egeland?

JAN EGELAND: Well, it’s not going to end through an arms race, on either side. It’s going to end with talks at the negotiating table, where minority issues and Ukrainians’ relations to foreign military alliances and so on can be discussed. And to enable those discussions, it will end by a ceasefire, where the Russians, that are attacking, agree to generalized ceasefire, that could also enable our humanitarian work to reach all people and civilians to be able to — those who want to leave, that they can leave. Then the diplomats should sit down and agree on the bargaining table the future of the two neighbors, Ukraine and Russia. It’s not going to end with an arms race between the West and Ukraine, on the one side, and Russia, on the other.

 武器供与では戦争は終わらない、交渉が必要で、交渉によってウクライナのNATO加盟や在ウクライナロシア人問題などを話し合って停戦にもちこまないとだめだ、というのはDemocracy Nowでも言われている。

 FOXとDemocracy Now の意見が接近して、NYTがそうした論者を攻撃している、というのは・・・異常な状況であることはたしか。

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