
”Female is real, and it's sex, and femininity is unreal, and it's gender. ”



 In fact, it begins to appear, on limited data, that more women assigned female at birth attack trans women than the reverse.[20] As to the bathroom wars, originally designated men do sexually assault women and girls in women’s bathrooms without bothering to transition first. The fact it says “women” on the door does not deter them. There is little to no evidence that trans women do this. 


”originally designated men”ってのは・・・・???? たんなる男のこと?それとも、性転換手術していない「トランス女性」のこと?・・・・よおわからんなあ、LGBTの記事は・・・

 Inmates are separated by sex for state and police power reasons of security and management and administration. Women, so designated at birth, convicted of sexually abusing and killing women and girls, for instance, are incarcerated in them, alongside women imprisoned for prostitution and credit card fraud and killing their batterers. These are dangerous places.  Along with wanted sexual interactions, a fair amount of sexual assault of women by women occurs in them, although the primary threat to women prisoners remains prison guards, who are mainly men; sexual abuse in women’s prisons is systematic and institutionally normalized.[43] 

 女性は、女性や少女に暴行を加えた女性囚人と一緒に収監されるし、 女性囚人から性暴行もあるし、男性刑務官から性虐待受けることも多い、と・・・・・


Germaine Greer (/ɡrɪər/; born 29 January 1939) is an Australian writer and public intellectual, regarded as one of the major voices of the second-wave feminism movement in the latter half of the 20th century.
the second-wave feminismはわかりやすいな。
Greer responded by reaffirming, during an interview with Kirsty Wark for BBC Newsnight, that she did not regard transgender women as women;

 kazukazu88さんがリツイートしました そういえば最近Colaboの話題少ないね。 

 Guardian-reading wokeratiさんがリツイートしました 口座とかにも紐づけしているけど、例えば、どのように悪用されるわけ?
@lonewolfnaz #山本太郎 #れいわ新撰組 #障害者は社会のお荷物という世の中の空気 #実際障害者になってみて嫌という程体験してる #障害者になって思い知った #世の中心無い人間ばっかり ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 孤毒那狼

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