09 February 2023 Reading time: 3 minutes Scotland’s gender recognition reform bill sparks religious oppositionUniversity and College Union votes to stand with trans people: 'Trans rights are human rights' https://t.co/rSLS7Z5GDM
— PinkNews (@PinkNews) June 1, 2023
Echoing women’s rights campaigners, the government argued that the bill could pose a threat to the safety of women and girls across the UK, by making it easier for predatory men to access single-sex spaces, such as public bathrooms.Oral statement to Parliament Statement: Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
The Scottish Government’s Bill would introduce a new process for applying for legal gender recognition in Scotland.The changes include reducing the minimum age a person can apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate from eighteen to sixteen, and removing the need for a medical diagnosis and evidence of having lived for two years in their acquired gender.The Government shares the concerns of many members of the public and civic society groups regarding the potential impact of the Bill on women and girls.The Bill also risks creating significant complications from having two different gender recognition regimes in the UK and allowing more fraudulent or bad faith applications.
What happens if you applyThe Gender Recognition Panel will look at your application. This panel is made up of people with legal or medical qualifications.The panel will decide whether the application meets all the legal requirements.
・・・しかし、日本では前提となる Gender Recognition Panel の話やUK政府のスコットランド法案に対する懸念の話は全然伝わっていないじゃないか?
出羽守は「欧米では」「G7では」って・・・・言葉はきついかもしれないが 嘘ついて、自分たちに有利な法案を通そうとしているじゃないか・・・・そんなことやっている結局損するのは君らだと思うけど・・・結局トランス女性の権利も擁護できないよ、そんなことじゃ。
ある種のカップルに対する批判はあってもいいと思うけど、その批判はある種の異性愛カップルにも言えることであって、同性婚反対の理由にはならない。お金もそうだけど、子供が弱者なので、子供を殺すのではないか、と思う。好きだから?そんなの婚姻と何の関係もないじゃないか。じゃ、子供が嫌いになったら棄てるのか? https://t.co/EQMyJaZaLt
— buvery (@buvery) May 31, 2023
— buvery (@buvery) June 1, 2023
Antisemitism and the New Testament
A. Roy Eckardt, a writer in the field of Jewish-Christian relations,[1] asserted that the foundation of antisemitism and responsibility for the Holocaust lies ultimately in the New Testament例えば、ユダヤ人差別、虐殺の根っこには新約聖書があった、と言われる。
you testify against yourselves that you are descendants of those who murdered the prophets...You snakes, you brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to hell?
— Matthew 23:31-33[34]
こうして、自分が預言者を殺した者たちの子孫であることを、自ら証明している。 32先祖が始めた悪事の仕上げをしたらどうだ。 33蛇よ、蝮の子らよ、どうしてあなたたちは地獄の罰を免れることができようか。
His [Jesus's] blood be on us and on our children!
— Matthew 27:25[39]
25 すると、民衆みんしゅう全体ぜんたいが答こたえて言いった、「その血ちの責任せきにんは、われわれとわれわれの子孫しそんの上うえにかかってもよい
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