
Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin






Here’s how Ellis illustrates philosophical disputing to someone who is very angry with another’s behavior.


And if his essence were turdness, if he had a core, an essence, a substance of turdness, then he would always and under all conditions have to act turdily. Well that’s a little implausible, because as I say to people all the time, even Hitler and Stalin occasionally did a good deed. Hitler was kind to his mother, his dog, and his woman friend. So if he or Stalin were real turds, how could they do any good deeds? 
( Rationality and the Pursuit of Happiness p.54)


At a large seminar, Al and I had a spirited debate about his notions of UOA (Unconditional Other Acceptance), and I argued that there has to be a point at which one would consider an offense so reprehensible that it would make no sense to offer or provide unconditional acceptance to the transgressor. To claim that Hitler was not evil strikes me as asinine. And who, apart from extreme Islamic followers, would care to offer Osama bin Laden their love and endeavor to do good things for him? 
(p271 Albert Ellis Revisited edited by] Jon Carlson and William Knaus.)


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