
Suppressing evidence of the slaughter.


 ウクライナ避難民の3か月 4歳男の子が緊張の初登園で涙 22歳女性が日本語の壁に将来への不安 


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  Katrina vanden Heuvel on How U.S. Media’s “One-Sided Debate” on Ukraine Fans the Flames of War STORYJUNE 06, 2022 

As Russia’s illegal and brutal assault enters its fourth month, the impact on Europe, the Global South and the world is already profound. 

What is barely reflected on our TVs or Internet screens, or in Congress, are alternate views—voices of restraint, who disagree with the tendency to see compromise in negotiations as appeasement, who seek persistent and tough diplomacy to attain an effective cease-fire and a negotiated resolution, one designed to ensure that Ukraine emerges as a sovereign, independent, reconstructed and prosperous country.

“Tell me how this ends,” Gen. David Petraeus asked Washington Post writer Rick Atkinson a few months into the nearly decade-long Iraq War. Bringing this current war to an end will demand new thinking and challenges to the orthodoxies of this time. As the venerable American journalist Walter Lippmann once observed, “When all think alike, no one thinks very much.”



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