
The top 3 countries with the best healthcare systems

@breadyreacts #foryou #borderpatrol #bordersecurity #airportsecurity #customs ♬ original sound - Border security
 入国拒否になって、チケットをいま買って帰るか、明日まで豚箱にはいって無料で帰るか、との選択肢に豚箱を選んで驚かれる日本人ー「あんたの国ではどうだかしらんけどjail はひどいところだぞ」と。 人権の国アメリカがこんな感じ。
@atsukocomedy What mixes are you? 🤪 Don’t give up on comedians at award shows 😌 we still got it. #UnforgettableGala #asiancomedian #mixedasian #asian #comedian #atsukookatsuka #awardshow #fy #fyp #standupcomedy #multicultural ♬ original sound - Atsuko Okatsuka
@upinthespace The top 3 countries with the best healthcare systems #top3 #countries #besthealthcare #healthcaresystem #Germanhealthcare #Switzerland #Japan #healthinsurance #qualityhealthcare ♬ Suspense, horror, piano and music box - takaya

 Shoko Egawa reposted たしかに。 日本人のIQが高いからといって日本人であるおれのIQが高いわけではない・・・・要するに個人の問題。 ヘイトかどうかわからんが、「(違法行為をしている日本人がいるように)違法行為をしているクルド人はいます。」だろうな。 だったら、トルコや山岳地帯のクルド人は・・・とか、イスラム教徒は・・・とか一般化した話をすべきではない。
日本語できるけど「やさしい日本語」にしてくれ、というんじゃないの? 2015–16 New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany
the Cologne police chief suggested that the perpetrators had come from countries where such sexual assaults by groups of men against women are common.[19] That suggestion was confirmed in a Federal Criminal Police Office report in June 2016, which also identified five more factors contributing to the occurrence of the attacks: group pressure, absence of police intervention, frustrations of migrants, disinhibition caused by alcohol and/or drug use, and disinhibition due to lack of social ties with indigenous German society.[20]
This media representation of Muslim men as sexist and aggressive criminals has provoked an increasingly discriminating discourse among the population.[160] This has induced the public perception of refugees as violent ‘Others’ who do neither fit to the German culture, nor to the European world of values, having led to a ‘global Islamophobia’ with xenophobic articles about that night available in almost every country.[161] Whereas sexual attacks of Germans have been underrepresented in the period following the New Year’s Eve, such crimes committed by refugees have almost always been in the news.[89] This is one reason that may have led to an increased propensity to violence by Germans towards migrants
Violence against foreigners On Sunday, 10 January 2016, six Pakistanis were attacked in the city of Cologne by around 20 people. Two of them briefly needed treatment in a hospital.[187] Five people that same night attacked one Syrian man in Cologne who also was injured.[187] In addition, three Guinean men were attacked.[141][188] According to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, "a group of thugs" in Cologne was planning a "manhunt" for migrants.[188]


 2)その後 ドイツ人に対する性加害は減少したが、報道が続いたので外国人移民に対する暴行事件が相次いだ、と。

  次期首相候補で注目の上川外相、独自色じわり 麻生氏評価も「棒読みだめ」と厳しい声も
これはおれもそう思ったな。 麻生ちゃん、そして産経新聞の推し・・・・アメリカが背後いる匂いがするといったら・・・・陰謀論になっちゃうんだろうけど・・


 世界各国回って韓国の整形技術の高さを宣伝してまわっているとか? 学歴より手先が器用な外科医・・


I’d be put in the luggage hold.

I’d have to sit like this on the plane.


 I'd rather....than....


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