

project gutenberg Animal Farm by George Orwell

 差し迫る死を目前に生を輝かせる人達   フランスが搾取を止めることと、欧州の移民の受け入れは矛盾しないから、スジは通っていない・・「フランスは搾取はやめろ、イタリアへようこそ」でもなんら問題はない。 

ただ、いずれにせよ、フランスは搾取はやめるべき。  アメリカほど他国をDictateしまくっている国はないんだろうね・・・嫌われる理由だね。日本くらいじゃないの、忖度して喜んでもらおうとか思っているのは。  


In the year 1,000 BC, the concept of Europe did not exist and those living within the geographical boundaries were emerging from the Bronze Age. But if you substitute 300 for 3,000 then many European countries were colonial powers, putting human beings into slavery and exploiting natural resources. An anti-slavery movement did not appear in the UK until the late 18th century. The question of whether, and to what extent, contemporary European societies are responsible for the past, and should perhaps also undertake restitution, remains an active debate. Again Infantino’s criticism speaks to a perceived hypocrisy.


Infantino is right to observe that western governments, including those of the UK and USA, have a dependency on Qatari natural gas and oil, especially during the current Ukraine war. These governments, however, have not spoken out to criticise the World Cup, instead it has been a coalition of unions and NGOs as well as journalists and, in some cases, football authorities and players. These groups have been critical of Fifa and Qatar’s “caring” for workers.







 「人生勇気が必要だくじけりゃ誰かが先に行く後から来たのに追い越され ♫」 だな。 


  総員玉砕せよ! (講談社文庫) 文庫 – 水木 しげる



 10万のロシア兵と10万のウクライナ兵が死傷した、と・・・国家は戦没者に対していろいろ評価するだろうけど・・・・なくてもよかったこんな戦争で死んでいった兵士たちはやっぱ惨めな思いだったのではないか? そして、その兵士たちには家族もいるわけで・・ウクライナで兵士とその家族たちは、深く大きな悲しみの冬を迎える。

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