
”It's so sad, so sad, I can't bear it"


著者 MakeUseOf著者 的野裕子

2022.05.06 lastupdate



憲法でも同じ。 おれもついやってしまうことあるけど、主張の当否に関する議論ではなく、主張する人に対する論評はまずいんじゃないかな?


 池田信夫 Retweeted  仏教やキリスト教の知恵におれはいまだに感動するところがあるので、こうした貪欲と偽善にまみれた宗教団体の話をきくと、なんか、ほんまがっかりくるな。 なぜか、クリムトの作品って好きなんだよねえ。 

  Death and Life From Wikipedia
This is one of Klimt's central themes, central also to his time and to his contemporaries among them Edvard Munch and Egon Schiele.[6][7] Klimt makes of it a modern dance of death, but unlike Schiele, he introduces a note of hope and reconciliation, instead of feeling threatened by the figure of death, his human beings seem to disregard it.[8] The imagination of the artist is focused no longer on physical union, but rather on the expectation that precedes it. Perhaps this new found serenity is rooted in Klimt's own awareness of aging and closeness to death. But before the moment came when he chose to depict nothing more than moments of intense pleasure or miraculous beauty and youth

こういう解説が簡単に観られる、というのはありがたいよなあ。 老いも若きも、美女も美男も、偉い人も卑しい人も死と舞踏しているという Dance of Death のテーマは現代でももっと取り上げられてもいい。 

 町山智浩 Retweeted 対象外とされた生徒たちはつらい思いをしただろうね。

ジュリーって沢田研二のこと?・・・ とおもったけどちがうんだね。 未成年者に対する性虐待を黙認していた芸能界の罪は重いね。 ウクライナが核武装していたらロシアはこんなことしなかった、とミアシャイマーは言ってたなあ。 混乱している・・とも思わない。
To recap, the chairman's battlefield assessment: "Close to zero" - #Russia's chance of total military conquering "Not too high - #Ukraine's chance of militarily kicking Russia out of all territory "happening anytime soon"





us govt now saying out loud what everyone has been saying privately for months:

complete removal of russian troops from ukraine territory (read particularly: crimea) is extremely unlikely. 

at some point negotiations are best option.



Kanashikute Yarikirenai - In This Corner of the World OST english sub lyrics

 この文脈で「やるせないもやもや」が"miserable sadness"と訳されている。
n i n a 95 4 年前(編集済み)


This whole movie has changed my life. I think of war differently, I think of my life differently. As a American in high school we are never taught that other countries suffer during war too. We are taught that they are the bad guys and we are good . But all of that is wrong! There never is the good and bad guys, cause everyone is a murder and making others suffer.



8 か月前

May this song be heard during the Ukraine and Russia war. May this send comfort to the people affected by war, to the families who lost their love ones, to the homes that got destroyed...



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