第0次世界大戦‐日露戦争 1904-1905(ドキュメンタリー)
Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather.
Many die too late, and some die too early. Yet strange soundeth the precept: "Die at the right time!
適切なときに死ね、と言っているけど、いつがthe right time なのか、
There is an art to dying at the right time: most people cling on to life too long, and some don't live long enough. A free death is chosen by the person dying and serves as an inspiration to those still living. Socrates is a perfect example
One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.
Nietzsche suggests that doctors ought to consider it their responsibility to put an end to "degenerate life." This flies in the face of the Hippocratic Oath of ethics in medicine that advises doctors to not cause harm. Nietzsche takes aim at the conventional view that doctors have a duty to preserve life. He defends euthanasia or willingly ending life by writing that "death should be chosen freely,—death at the right time, faced clearly and joyfully."
町山智浩 Retweeted
— 紀藤正樹 MasakiKito (@masaki_kito) November 14, 2022
町山智浩 Retweeted
🐱野尻美保子(リセットさん) Retweeted
これが批判できないのなら、Hanada氏はいっそ韓国の豪勢な教会で暮らしたらどうだ?ここまで異常な反日カルト宗教と仲良しな自民党のどこが「愛国保守」なのか全く分からない。#ミヤネ屋 pic.twitter.com/LLGzIqxiww
— 大神 (@ppsh41_1945) November 14, 2022
これはそのとおりだと思うんだがなあ。@ogawa_junya #小川淳也 #立憲民主党 #自民党 #維新 #橋下徹#香川 #高松 #政治 #選挙 #野党 #総理 #演説 #切り抜き #小川淳也切り抜き ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 小川淳也【総理への道】
Remarks at the Annual Convention of the the National Association of Evangelicals
An evangelical minister and a politician arrived at Heaven's gate one day together. And St. Peter, after doing all the necessary formalities, took them in hand to show them where their quarters would be. And he took them to a small, single room with a bed, a chair, and a table and said this was for the clergyman. And the politician was a little worried about what might be in store for him. And he couldn't believe it then when St. Peter stopped in front of a beautiful mansion with lovely grounds, many servants, and told him that these would be his quarters. And he couldn't help but ask, he said, "But wait, how -- there's something wrong -- how do I get this mansion while that good and holy man only gets a single room?" And St. Peter said, "You have to understand how things are up here. We've got thousands and thousands of clergy. You're the first politician who ever made it."それまで天国にいける政治家がいなかった、というわけか。
— 彼女なぉた💔💣ch 10000人突破 (@kanomenaota) November 15, 2022
※個人的見解です。個人差あります。 pic.twitter.com/ItqXNnxIgP
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