
”the US periodically practices provocation without deterrence”


When the US withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement under President Donald Trump, Japan salvaged a pared-down version of that accord, to act as a counterweight to Chinese influence.

As I learned in Tokyo, Japanese think-tanks are quietly studying geopolitical “plan B’s” (or “plan A’s”) in case Trump returns to power. Military and diplomatic investments that make Japan a better ally of the US today serve as insurance against a future in which America retreats into isolationism or angry unilateralism.

Japanese and American diplomats I spoke to also worried that Washington sometimes elevates the symbolic aspects of support for Taiwan, such as the Pelosi visit or calls to recognize that island as an independent country, over concrete action to strengthen its defenses. Whereas Tokyo prefers deterrence without provocation, the US periodically practices provocation without deterrence. That’s not a good way to handle a dangerous rival — or to keep America’s single most crucial ally in the fold.





 これも似ているが、全員同じ運動していて無理がある。  おれもそう思うなああ。英語の小説はハードルがたかい・・・てか、俺の場合、日本語の小説でもハードル高いんだが・・・
 でも、 とにかく、自分の好きな分野で1冊短時間で読み切る体験は大事。おれも興味のある本を1冊1日2日で1冊読み切ったときには自信がついた。 あるいは、中学なり高校なり大学の英語の教科書あるべ? 

 数学でも物理でも歴史でもなんでもいいから、それに挑戦してみたら? 教科書の英語ってわかりやすいんだよなあ。受験生なら一石二鳥じゃん。


西側の主要なメディアでは、  palestine  パレスティナの抗議運動についてほぼ報道しないが、イラン系メディアはイランの抗議運動について報道しない。 






  Kohei Saito : Capital in the Anthropocene. A review by Ulv Hanssen 





Ron M.
5つ星のうち4.0 A Deep Dive Into Marx's Notebooks
If you haven't cracked open a book on Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels since you were in college, this is as good a place to start as any. There's been a cottage industry in secondary works devoted to scrutinizing Marx's extensive and largely unpublished notebooks, a running compendium of his thoughts and pet theories. Author Kohei Saito mines them for any indications of what the father of socialism might have written on the subject of Nature and capital's relationship to it. Unsurprisingly, it is as manipulative and exploitive of it as it is of Labor. 


いずれにせよ、マルクス研究者のマルクス解釈についての内輪の論争にはそんなに興味はなくて、Inspired by Marx ならそれはそれでいい。




wiki で脱成長派の批判をみると、
Noam Chomsky commented[107] on the use of the term "degrowth": "When you say 'degrowth' it frightens people. It's like saying you're going to have to be poorer tomorrow than you are today, and it doesn't mean that."

「脱成長」という命名が悪い、とチョムスキー 脱成長したら昨日より貧乏になるんじゃないか、と間違って思われて敬遠される、と。

There is still no macroeconomic model that can describe a stable economy which does not rely on growth.[113] So far, the modern economy is structurally reliant on economic growth for its stability. If growth slows down, businesses will struggle, the unemployment rate will go up, and politicians will panic and spiral up recession looms. 



【解説】全体では約3組に1組は離婚 大切なのは愛情?お金?…究極の二択 


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