
“There can be no greater pleasure in life than to choose one’s enemy, inflict a terrible revenge on him, and go quietly to bed”

 維新・中条きよし氏、国会質疑で新曲PR 発言取り消しを検討







Stalin, known then as ‘Soso’ or ‘Koba’, replied, ‘My greatest pleasure is to choose one’s victim, prepare one’s plans minutely, slake an implacable vengeance, and then go to bed. There’s nothing sweeter in the world.’

“There can be no greater pleasure in life,” Stalin is reputed to have said, “than to choose one’s enemy, inflict a terrible revenge on him, and go quietly to bed.” He might have added, if he really did say this, “secure in the knowledge that one has done good.” Committing evil for goodness’ sake must surely rank as an even greater pleasure than Stalin’s: It satisfies the inner sadist and the inner moralist at the same time.”



buveryさんがリツイートしました 「地上の楽園」信じ北朝鮮へ/飢えで人が人喰う地獄/国境警備隊から◯される覚悟で脱北/43年ぶり日本へ/川崎栄 


 Guardian-reading wokeratiさんがリツイートしました
Japan’s economy shrank in the three months through September, as consumers spent less during a Covid resurgence and the weak yen battered trade
Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted キラキラ系とは いろいろ意味があるようだが、
キラキラ系とは Facebookで 自撮りをして リアルな充実ぶりなどを 投稿してアピールする人などです^
ここでは、このことか? Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted 美人の基準はそんなにかわっていないな・・・・あるいはおれが古いのか?
これはUS vs ロシアの戦争か。

(あ)は(い)の理由だが (あ)と(い)はトートロジーとはいえまい。

In mathematical logic, a tautology (from Greek: ταυτολογία) is a formula or assertion that is true in every possible interpretation


In a Euclidean space, the sum of angles of a triangle equals the straight angle 

For a spherical triangle, the sum of the angles is greater than 180° 



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