
"Hollywood is racist'




 これ、アメリカ人ふうに、"Hollywood is racist'とかいってやればいいんじゃ?


 反撃能力に極超音速ミサイル 日本防衛に必要な“優先順位”とは【11月7日 (月) #報道1930】 

 防衛費増額が必要だな。 へえええ。 BBCインタビューで有名になったKelly さんは8月4日の時点では、 

  Robert E Kelly

2. Trump will likely get elected – or ‘elected’ – in 2024, and he will ‘blow up’ the ROK alliance as he promised he would. So ROK nuclearization may happen no matter what we think. And a US retrenchment from SK would probably scare Japan so much that the whole nuclear debate there would shift substantially to the right. 

 トランプが大統領になる確率がたかく、そうしたら、米韓同盟はおわり、韓国は核武装、日本も核武装の議論が始まるのでは・・・と予想している。 トランプの影響力がまして米韓同盟が終わり、日本が核武装したら・・・それはそれでいいんじゃないか? 

 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted マストドン (ミニブログ)


 For some, a global temperature target never made sense in the first place. Dr Schrag at Harvard points out that the climate system as a whole mostly operates on a sliding scale, where higher global temperatures bring greater impacts and risks. “1.5°C is not safe and 2.2°C is not the end of the world,” he says.
Scientists do know, though, as the ipcc showed in 2018, that the less the temperature rises, the better. 1.6°C is better than 1.7°C: 1.7°C is better than 1.8°C. As a new mantra has it, “every fraction of a degree matters”. To Dr Schrag, it is never too late. “It is always the case that reducing the severity of climate change is a worthy investment. If we were at four degrees, keeping it from going to six is a noble thing to do.”

As to the 1.5°C target, it may yet have a role to play. Stabilising the global temperature by achieving a net-zero world opens the possibility of a net-negative one in which that temperature could be lowered. What level of negative emissions, and possibly solar geoengineering, such a world might employ would depend on its experience and its ambition.

Solar geoengineering





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