


 Qatar is not a pariah state – it exists in a global political system of western sponsors that have forged deep alliances with Gulf monarchies and extended them immunity. 

 The message from governments, meanwhile, is loud and clear. “We should not politicise sport,” Emmanuel Macron said last week. What he really means is that Qatar (the recipient of French arms exports 25 times higher in 2017–21 than in 2012–16) is with the big boys. How, then, to hold any effective boycott or protest, with this sort of high-profile state protection?

マクロンもスポーツの政治化はするな、と。 出羽守はマクロンにはな~にも言わんのか?

There is also the vexing question of what constitutes a human rights violation so grave that it deserves a boycott. Is it, shall we say, running a large offshore prison that exists in a legal vacuum, where over the past 20 years, hundreds of prisoners have been dumped without a trial, and many tortured? 



Double standards in Doha

Western hypocrisy with respect to the Qatar World Cup is a sight to behold

 UEFA has repeatedly banned the Palestinian flag or any message supportive of Palestine in European football matches including the Champions League final, because their policies prohibit “illicit banners” with “messages that are of a political, ideological, religious, offensive or provocative nature.”

Almost all European football associations (including the German one) are in full support of that.


Qatar and other wealthy undemocratic regimes around the world are empowered in Britain, and by extension on the global stage, by a parliamentary system open to lobbying, a lucrative weapons industry, and a real-estate economy that is geared to a global wealthy elite. 


 Germany to get new Qatari LNG flows through QatarEnergy, ConocoPhillips deal By Andrew Mills and Maha El Dahan



その言い訳いいね。日本も中国やミャンマーに使えるじゃん? ・・・・出羽守はほんま2重基準やねええ。

During the match, fans in the stadium were seen holding up pictures of former Germany midfielder Ozil, who sensationally retired from international football in 2018 after hitting out against racism within the German FA.

Qatari fans at the Spain vs Germany match responded to this by covering their own mouths and bringing printed pictures of Ozil to the ground.

The former Real Madrid player who is of Turkish origin did not end his time with the German national team in a happy way after he suggested he was treated worse when the team lost.

"When I win I am German, when I lose I am an immigrant," he claimed.












本田さん、これいいよ。 17年前のいじめ「市教委が隠蔽」 調査委が報告書素案で認定 朝日新聞社 




 buvery Retweeted  議員、首長、部長、社長に女性を増やせばいいわけだ。

 少子化対策やる気なしだな。 ご苦労さまです。 配偶者控除は廃止だな。 なるほど 


Ohta Mutsumiさんのプロフィール写真 Ohta Mutsumi 宗教マニア執筆者は2,444件の回答を行い、377.3万回閲覧されています2年前 近代以降の研究によれば以下のようになります。素性がはっきり分かるのはルカとパウロぐらいで、あとは誰が書いたのかはよくわからないというのが現状です。


先生 「自分のどこを変えたい?




So, we know it’s safe. We know that it is effective

Unclear to me in current moment. How this plays out over the next few days will be crucial

But, if we assume no elite backers, the most likely scenario I can see is that the protests fizzle out (as most such movements do in most countries). Having erupted spontaneously in a short period, they will fade away without reaching any climax or denouement.

A second possibility is some form of comprehensive & decisive repression. This could take the form of a coordinated and possibly quite violent crackdown (as in 1989) or it could be slower-motion and at least somewhat less bloody (as in HK in 2019-2020).

A third and much less likely option would be concessions or systemic change. This could range from a relaxation of some #ZeroCovid measures to genuine political opening of some sort. I very much do not think this is in the cards, and would peg probability as extremely low.




新型コロナ「2類相当」→「5類」で医療費が“自費”になったら?飲み薬が約3万円に?【解説】|TBS NEWS DIG


首相が防衛費の「27年度にGDP比2%」指示…現在は0・96%、年内に財源確保策も 2022/11/28 


Our French fans cleaned their stand before leaving the stadium yesterday #FiersdetreBleus 🙌 pic.twitter.com/mwgrBuRkh6



  アゴラ論者たちもおかしな主張には相互批判をがんばろう! 自己責任で接種するのはいいが、

 NOVEMBER 22, 2022

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, COVID-⁠19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha, and Chief Medial Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Fauci

So let’s just talk very briefly about what we know about the vaccines, because we want to make our decisions really based on facts, evidence, and data.


Are the vaccines safe?  That keeps coming up.  The answer is now: Overwhelmingly, it should be off the table.  There have been 13 billion doses of a COVID-19 vaccine that have been distributed worldwide, hundreds of millions in the United States.  And there’s robust safety monitoring systems that are in place.  And clearly, an extensive body of information clearly indicates that they’re safe. 


Next: Are they effective?  And I believe you are all aware of this.  If you look at the striking data, overwhelmingly show the effectiveness of vaccines, particularly in preventing severe illness and deaths.


And recent data that has come out indicate that if, in fact, you are vaccinated and boosted, compared to an unvaccinated person, there’s a 14 times lower risk of dying in the most recent BA.4/5 era compared to unvaccinated and at least a 3 times lower risk of testing positive compared to the unvaccinated individuals.・・・

 So, we know it’s safe.  We know that it is effective.  So, my message and my final message — may be the final message I give you from this podium — is that: Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family, and your community. ・・・・


Because here’s what we know: If folks get their updated vaccines and they get treated if they have a breakthrough infection, we can prevent essentially every COVID death in America.


DR. FAUCI: I think it's a combination of an expansion and an amplification of the anti-science, anti-vax. There is something I've never seen in my 54 years in medicine at the NIH, is that the acceptance or not of a life-saving intervention is steered very heavily by your political ideology. I mean, why would you ever want to see that red states are undervaccinated and blue states are pretty well vaccinated and there are more deaths among red state Republicans than there are among blue states Democrat? Merely because of the fact that there is less vaccination.



“We don’t have as much sexual & political freedom as you do, don’t claim to be democratic, but we are stable prosperous monarchies [that] organise world class events, compete with the best & have the best of everything — so eat your heart out neocolonialists, orientalists & western hypocrites,” Dubai-based political science professor Abdulkhaleq Abdulla wrote on Twitter.



 町山智浩 Retweeted



  EO 2022 
 Follows a donkey who encounters on his journeys good and bad people, experiences joy and pain, exploring a vision of modern Europe through his eyes




Give Moto Hagio a Nobel Prize in Literature






 北朝鮮ミサイル連発、なぜ?【報道特集 11月19日放送】| TBS NEWS DIG 

 “Any nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies and partners is unacceptable and will result in the end of that regime,”

 “There is no scenario in which the Kim regime could employ nuclear weapons and survive.”
Give me liberty or give me death 

 もし、中国の人たち「自由」の大切さに目覚めたとすると・・・しかし、政治的上層部は認めないだろうから、国内はかなり混乱するんじゃないか・・・・・・ 支持率低迷のゼレンスキー…「元コメディアン」を大統領に選んだウクライナ国民の後悔 


2022/05/09 — When asked about President Zelensky, 94% of Ukrainians strongly approve or somewhat approve of his job performance. 

  IRI Ukraine Poll Shows Strong Confidence in Victory over Russia, Overwhelming Approval for Zelensky, Little Desire for Territorial Concessions, and a Spike for NATO Membership August 11, 2022





バイラクタル TB2 出典: フリー百科事典
クリミアやウクライナ国境付近でのロシアの軍拡の中、2021年4月9日にバイラクタルTB2でドンバス地方の偵察飛行を行った。これは、活発な紛争地域内でのウクライナ軍による同機の初運用となった[66][67]。ウクライナ軍参謀本部は2021年10月26日、東部の親ロシア派武装勢力に対する攻撃任務にTB2を初投入してD-30 榴弾砲を破壊したと発表した[68


 ただ、佐藤氏にせよ、JSF氏にせよ、主張をback up するにはちゃんと引用してもらわんとなあ。ウィキは引用として信頼性は低いが、素人にはないより全然まし。




池田信夫 Retweeted 素人にも比較的わかりやすい記事
市場原理を働かせて不合理な政策を撤回させたイギリスと、国債市場が機能不全に陥っても金利抑制を続ける日本と、どちらが健全な経済か? われわれは、胸に手を当てて、じっくりと考えねばならない。
ここらへんMMT派はどうみるのか? MMTは税は財源ではないが、他の役割がある、と言っている。また、無限の国債発行してよい、とも言っていない。





"Only a God Can Save Us"


 町山智浩 Retweeted






"Only a God Can Save Us": The Spiegel Interview (1966) Martin Heidegger


27. In all probability, Heidegger is not using the word "god" here in any personal sense but in the sense that he gives to the word (often in the expression, "god or the gods") in his interpretations of Hölderlin, i.e., as the concrete manifestation of Being as "the Holy.


 先程も引用したthe death of God and the meaning of life から引用しておくと、

Being surely is some kind of a God, a fact confirmed by the title of Heidegger's final address to the public at large (a 1966 interview with the German magazine, Der Spiegel), 'Only a God Can Save Us'. Since he argues, as we have seen, that only the overcoming of 'oblivion of Being' can save us, 'Being' and `God' must be the same. Specifically, I think, what Heidegger believes in is, not the 'god of the [Christian] philosophers' but rather the 'God of the poets'. He believes, in particular, in Friedrich Holderlin's 'unknown God' who approaches us in the sight of 'familiar' things (PLT: 225): a God who, unlike the God of traditional Christian theology, is genuinely mysterious and so genuinely 'far away', but one who is also, again unlike the Christian God, 'the nearest of all', immanent in the world, `so close' to us. It is with this God, Holderlin's and Wim Wenders' God, that Heidegger identifies Being.



 Heidegger says that when Gestell 'holds sway' it 'drives out every other possibility of revealing' (QCT: 27).What this suggests is that Gestell is not just the disclosure of things as resource: it is their disclosure as nothing but resource,pure resource. The Greek architect saw the hillside as a potential quarry. But healso understood it as a hillside and, as such, part of the divine order of nature's poiesis. 

ここらへんがハイデガーのテクノロジー論になるけど、 まず、辞書的にいうと、

ゲシュテル(〈ドイツ〉Gestell) 《ドイツ語で台架・支持枠・骨組みなどの意》ドイツの哲学者ハイデッガーが、近代技術の本質を言い表すために用いた語。技術が人間を生産に駆り立て、その人間が自然を利用するといように、強制的な徴発性を根源に持つ体制こそが、技術の本質であるとする。 



But since the world is a holy place, it follows that we have no choice but to stand to it in a relation of respect and reverence. For the holy simply is that before which one bows down in awe. If, in one's actions, one does not reverence the world, then one simply does not understand its holiness. If one becomes its exploiter rather than guardian, then, as we have seen, one is a victim of that intellectual and spiritual blindness which Heidegger calls (in his special sense of the word) 'metaphysics'.



 Another word Heidegger uses in place of 'metaphysics' is 'forgetfulness of Being'; forgetfulness of the depth, power, might, majesty and mystery of Being. (Forgetfulness of Being, to repeat the metaphor Heidegger takes over from Rilke, is like taking the moon to be a flat, illuminated disk.)Sartre's philosophy —though he does not always highlight this characteristic — is profoundly nihilistic a philosophy of despair. We now understand why this is so, what it is that is the source of Sartrian despair. It is precisely 'forgetfulness of Being'. The reason, that is to say, he thinks we cannot escape the absurdity of basing our lives on groundless choice is that — archetypal modern man that he is — he has lost the feeling of awe: the understanding of reality as so awesome as to take our breath away. Less metaphorically, he has lost the sense of the world as a place whose sacredness deprives us of both the necessity and possibility of choosing whether or not to become its guardian.

 ここらへんもおもしろいんだけど、サルトルは自由を強調しすぎた、わけだね。人間は環境からも伝統からも自由であるけど、その自由を選びとる根拠は究極的には無である、人間に本質がないからこそ、自由なんだ、とサルトルは説くけれど、しかし、それだと、何選んでもいいことになってかえってなんでもいい、みたいなニヒリズムに陥る。ところが、 本当は世界は神聖なものであって、その神聖な意識があれば、なんでもかまわない、ということにならず、神聖さを畏れ敬い守護していこうという意識が生まれるはずなのに、サルトルはそれを見損なったんだ、と。

But this is not the God we have been discussing so far. Throughout this book, `God' has been used as a synonym for 'true world'. To affirm a God in this sense is to affirm a true world and the grand, apocalyptic narrative of which it is the conclusion. This, it is important to see, Heidegger does not do. Although he affirms a meaning of life that is both universal and discovered (rather than chosen), it is not a grand-narrative meaning. There is no 'end of history' in Heidegger, no crossing the rainbow bridge into a final paradise. Rather, the task of guardianship is ongoing and endless.

 そして、ハイデガーにとって神=存在は、プラトンその他の真実の世界や天国と言った完結した記述があるものではなく、 知り尽くすことができないものである、それを見守っていくことは限りのないものなのだ、と。




欧米では公共の場所の清掃は外国人移民がやる卑しい職業だ、とか、おもっているわけ??・・・あの憧れのオーベイでは? おれの中学校では校長自らモップももって廊下を掃除していて、それは「偉いな」という評価だったけど・・・

”要人权 要自由”  “共产党下台,习近平下台” ”场所码操你妈” 


上海乌鲁木齐路 民众高喊 共产党 下台! 这是迄今为止最为激进的口号。


Crowds on Urumqi Road in Shanghai chanted "Communist Party step down!" This is the most radical slogan yet.

 どうなるかな? こっちもどうなるかな?



「生活保護おじさん」って何者? 芸人キャラで動画投稿続ける覚悟
@seikatsuhogoojisan Q:住まいがないと生活保護は受けられませんか? #生活保護おじさん #生活保護 #生活保護申請 #家出 #ホームレス #ネットカフェ難民 #ネカフェ難民 #NPO #ソーシャルグッド ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 生活保護おじさん






spica ちゃんのツイッターで知ったけど・・・ いまいちわからんなあ。



Immanuel Kant
The Critique of Judgement, 1,2,28,1790
Bold, overhanging, and. as it were, threatening
rocks, thunderclouds piled up the vault of
heaven, borne along with flashes and peals,
volcanoes in all their violence of destruction,
hurricanes leaving in all their track, the
boundless ocean rising with rebellious force,
the high waterfall of some mighty river, and
the like, make our power of resistance of
trifling moment in comparison with their
might. But. provided our own position is
secure, their aspect is all the more attractive
for its fearfulness; and we readily call these
objects sublime, because they raise the forces
of the soul above the height of vulgar
commonplace, and discover within us a
power of resistance of quite another kind,
which gives us courage to be able to measure
ourselves against the seeming omnipotence
of nature.


On beauty Ecco  p294

The experience of the Sublime is different. Kant distinguishes between two sorts of Sublime, the mathematical and the dynamic variety. A typical example of the mathematical Sublime is the sight of the starry sky. Here we have the impression that what we see goes far beyond our sensibilities and we are thus induced to imagine more than we see. We are led to this because our reason (the faculty that leads us to conceive ideas such as God, the world, or freedom, which our intellect cannot demonstrate) induces us to postulate an infinity that is not only beyond the grasp of our senses but also beyond the reach of our imagination, which cannot manage to harness it to a single intuition. ....

A typical example of the dynamic Sublime is the sight of a storm. Here, what shakes our spirit is not the impression of infinite vastness, but of infinite power: in this case too our sensible nature is left humiliated and, again, this is a source of a feeling of unease, compensated for by the sense of our moral greatness, against which the forces of nature are powerless.

The death of  God and the meaning of life Julian Young


Schopenhauer, following Kant (and ultimately, the eighteenth-century English philosopher-politician, Edmund Burke), distinguished between the 'beautiful' and the 'sublime'. Experience of the beautiful is experience of significant form in the phenomena, the feeling of the sublime is becoming alive to one's supraphenomenal nature, to, in Kant's words, 'the supersensible side of our being'.








”God must be, in essence, the sum total of all existence”


「星条旗といっしょに。」といっしょに、というところがポイント。 これが例えば、星条旗を掲げるのは拒否して、メキシコの国旗だけ掲げていたら・・・「だったら、メキシコに移住しろよ」といわれてもしかたあるまい。 ポルノが性犯罪の増加に寄与することはありえるだろうが、 暴力描写が暴力犯罪の増加に寄与する割合とポルノが性犯罪に寄与する割合についてしっかりとした学術記事を引用すべき。





God: A Human History Reza Aslan 


 If God is indivisible, then nothing can come into existence that isn’t also God. At the very least, Creator and creation must share the exact same eternal, indistinguishable, inseparable essence,

meaning everything that exists in the universe exists only insofar as it shares in the existence of God. Therefore, God must be, in essence, the sum total of all existence.

This, then, is the answer to the question Shams asked Rumi. It is what Bayazid meant when he said, “Glory be to Me.” It is why Tustari called himself “the proof of God.” These Sufis were not claiming to be divine; they were claiming unity with the divine. Indeed, for most Sufis, the mistake of Christianity lies not in violating the indivisible nature of God by transforming God into a human being; rather, it lies in believing that God is only one particular human being and no other. According to Sufism, if God is truly indivisible, then God is all beings, and all beings are God.



Ms. ARMSTRONG: Religion is about helping us to deal with the sorrow that we see in life, helping us to find meaning in life, and helping us to live in relation to that transcendence that I was speaking about earlier. Religious people are ambitious. They want to feel enhanced. They want to feel at peace within themselves. They want to live generous lives. They want to live beyond selfishness, beyond ego.

All the world religions say that the way to find what we call God or Brahman, Nirvana, or Tao is to get beyond the prism of egotism, of selfishness which holds us in a little deadlock and limits our vision. That if we can get beyond that, especially in the practice of compassion, when we dethrone ourselves from the center of our world and put another there, we live much more richly and intensely.

Armstrong seeks to show that the modern Christian God (I hesitate to capitalize God in the way she uses the name) is vastly different from the “unknown” God of pre-modern times. God was once mysterious and unknown, so transcendent, so other that people could not hope to really know who he is or how he acted. But then modernism had to come along and ruin a perfectly good deity by insisting that God could be known, that he even desired to be known. What the author believes we need to do, of course, is return to God as a mystery, to God as an unknowable force who combines the best of all the world religions.

 The Case for God – a review

Barry Seagren

God is not a personal being who stands apart from and over his creation. God, Nirvana, Brahman or Dao is simply a name we give to ultimate reality. We can say nothing about god, not even that he/it exists or does not exist. Religious stories were never intended to be understood literally or factually; they are symbolic


 原理主義者は聖書を文字通りとって、全知全能の創造神である人格神を信じ、科学はそれを否定するが、 そうした観念は近年のものであって、それ以前は神は神秘で不可知であり、エゴを捨てて共感し慈しみをもっていきることでより豊かな生き方ができると教えるものだった、と。

 Inventing God

Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality

By: Jon Mills


The argument proceeds in three steps. The first is elaborated in three sections: an extended “Proslogion,” “Axioms” articulating a “thought experiment” to illustrate that God exists only as an idea, and a first chapter on God as a metaphysical question. Together these sections articulate Mills’s naturalist understanding of the God construct and his argument that there is no compelling empirical evidence for the existence of any entity that corresponds to this idea. The second step elaborates in two chapters the psychological factors that Mills contends explain why so many people over the course of history and across so many cultures have felt compelled to invent and believe in God. The last two chapters sketch the outlines of a spirituality without God. This effort to make room for a spirituality without God or religious doctrine is something of an effort to recapitulate aspects of both John Dewey’s and William James’s projects on new grounds.



 But unlike Tillich, who believes that such courage is to be rooted and conditioned on God’s being, the existential humanist embraces the acceptance of finitude and is inspired by it, for our being toward death is a catalyst for enjoying life in the present. The self-affirmation of being is continually grounded in relation to our looming non- being as a meaningful trajectory of experience generated and regenerated in each moment. This requires us to courageously seize upon our facticity as being in relation the acceptance of finitude and is inspired by it, for our being toward death is a catalyst for enjoying life in the present. 



A Semantic Interpretation of Rudolf Otto’s Religious Theory - Professor Yoshitsugu Sawai 

The Illusion of God's Presence

Only a God can save us.







 あるいは、また、カントのいうような「至高」” sublime"やオットーのいう聖なるものなど言葉を絶する体験は、いわゆる神が存在しなくとも、体験としては存在し、人生を生きるに耐えうるものにしてくれる。















町山智浩 Retweeted だから、国対抗国際試合なんてやめてしまえばいいのよ。
 いや、やる、というなら政治的表現について公平で厳格なルールを導入せざる得ない。 ここらへんが、共産党支持者になじめない要因だろうし、共産党に日本をまかせられない理由なんだろうな。 

 ドイツチームの行為にドイツのナショナリズム、欧州中心主義を見抜けないところも浅いなあ。 トルコ人のことはどうかわからんが、

Racism in Germany
From Wikipedia
 More than 130 people were killed in racist street violence in Germany, in the years between 1990 and 2010, according to the German newspaper Die Zeit







 われわれはみな組織の上の人に誠心誠意尽くすButlerのようなものなんだけど、その組織やボスがナチやナチに同調的な組織だったら・・・ 日本語にあれだけ堪能で優秀な人物がロシアに誠を捧げるのだが、貢献すればするほど、世界も、そして本人も不幸になる。


 A Semantic Interpretation of Rudolf Otto’s Religious Theory - Professor Yoshitsugu Sawai 
