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Assassination in Paris: How the Turkish Secret Service Murdered Three Kurdish Activists | ENDEVR 

Chat GPT summary
- Three Kurdish activists, including Sakina Cansız, a founder of the PKK, were murdered in Paris in January 2013.
- The main suspect, Ömer Güney, a Turkish secret agent, was implicated in the crime and is awaiting trial in France.
- The investigation revealed Güney's connections to the Turkish secret service, MIT, and his involvement in spying on the Kurdish community in Europe.
- The murders caused shock and suspicion within the Kurdish community, who believed it was a political assassination orchestrated by Turkey.
- The case raised questions about the involvement of Turkey's President Erdogan, but he has not addressed the matter directly, and the French justice system is limited in investigating matters related to the MIT.

Fidan Doğan, Sakine Cansiz and Leyla Şaylemez, Kurdish women's activists, were murdered by gunshots to the head during the night of 9–10 January 2013 in the 10th arrondissement of Paris.




On 23 December 2022, a mass shooting occurred at three Kurdish locations in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, France. Three people were killed, and three others were wounded in and around a Kurdish cultural center on Rue d'Enghien.[2][3]

Investigators believe the shooting to be an act of right-wing terrorism. The suspect, 69-year-old William M., has confessed to having been motivated by racism,[4][5] and declared that he "didn't like the Kurds".[6]





 うん、イギリスはいいだろう すごい!と思うが







 スゴイ! このシナリオはウマい。

  ロシア出身のレナさんとか凄い人たちがでてきたねええ。 みーんな日本に帰化して日本を活性化してほしい。
ドラマ観ていないけど、ドラマの最後にこうした解説いれておくべきかもしれんね。「このドラマはフィクションであり、本来は・・・」みたいな感じで。 受信料払わず、NHKに訴えられて、心労で自殺した、可哀想なトランス女性のドラマというのはどうだろうか?  タイトルは「NHKをぶっ飛ばせ」みたいな。


 おれはネタバレ大好きで、映画見るときは、ネタバレ読んで解説聞いてそれから観たいタイプ。 落語でもクラッシク音楽でもあらすじはみんなわかっていても聞きにいくわけで、ネタバレを警戒する理由がわからない。


 大学のとき、完読しなくていい、必要なところだけ読めばいい、みたいなことをいう先生がいて、「そっかあああ」みたいに思って気が楽になった覚えがある。 パラーと見ておもしろいところだけじっくりみたいな感じだな。おもしろいところがなさそうな本は・・・・すぐ終わる。

中国経済はデフレに陥るのか?【Bizスクエア】 中国やばいな。


 セリフレジに配膳ロボット 洗面所清掃ロボット 日本製で世界を席巻してもらいたい。

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