


His characters were usually tough, heroic, no-nonsense cowboys who showed little emotion or hesitancy when facing dangerous outlaws in the old west. It is also notable that those characters frequently had the moral high-ground and were willing to fight to the bitter end, even if out-gunned and alone. This archetype of the “lone hero” is one that has been associated with John Wayne Syndrome because it mirrors the feelings of isolation associated with the syndrome’s mindset.


  Icon: Clint Eastwood




Icon: Clint Eastwood 

 It's really difficult. You just try to give them local morals. You know, you let the woman go through the door first. Why? Because you're stronger, you're younger. It's your duty as a man. That's what you're here for, to take care of things. And nowadays I don't think men are taught that. It wasn't a macho thing; nobody felt they had to kick over the table and act tough to prove they were men. I'm fond of telling this story—I remember meeting Rocky Marciano. We shook hands. It was a real light handshake, like he was a concert pianist. I walked away and thought, Yeah, Rocky Marciano doesn't have to grab you. He knows he could kill you. He's a real guy. So be strong and protect yourself, emotionally and physically. But don't—you don't have to take any crap from the world, but at the same time, you don't have to go looking for crap, either. Don't let the feminist revolution turn you into an anti. Women really do want your help, and that's why we're on the same planet, the same level.


  香川県議の海外視察、1人263万円 「あまりにも高額」と批判 議員・・・やめられまへんなああ。 「死んだ女の子」





ちょこっとググって 高石友也 - トピック 



 こういった反戦ソングを歌えば戦争終わるわけではないけど、この類の歌が ウクライナ戦争のさなか、もっと見直されていいような・・・時代は変わったな。




  昔の事件を根掘り葉掘りだして在日クルド人についてとやかくいうのはよくない 問題のあるクルド人については良識的なクルド人の人々と協力して解決を目指すべき。

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