
”more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, have been white”




Anti-Asian Hate Crime Crosses Racial and Ethnic Lines 


Several factors may explain the relatively high number of non-white arrests in New York City, Levin said. One is the city’s racially diverse urban population. Proportionally, the city has 57% more Latinos, 81% more African-Americans, 139% more Asians and about 50% fewer whites than the nation as a whole, with whites often living in less racially mixed neighborhoods, according to Levin. 

What’s more, African Americans are more frequently arrested than whites, and many whites involved in anti-Asian hate crimes may be at large, he noted. Nevertheless, noting that most hate crime perpetrators tend to be white, McDeVitt added that “other communities have modeled their attacks on what we white folks have been doing for a long time now.” 



 Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

The study, which examined hate crime data from 1992 to 2014, found that compared to anti-Black and anti-Latino hate crimes, a higher proportion of perpetrators of anti-Asian hate crimes were people of color. Still, 75 percent of perpetrators were white.


 "This is really how crime is framed in the United States — it's framed as the source is Black," Wong said.

"These kinds of images and narratives of racial tension — Black violence on Asian people — are getting shared in Asia, as well


 Black Americans have long faced higher rates of hate crimes. Even though official 2019 law enforcement data show a drop in anti-Black hate crime reports, Black people were still, by far, the most targeted racial group, Wong said. That year, 58 percent of reported hate crimes were motivated by anti-Black bias, while a far smaller proportion, 4 percent, were motivated by anti-Asian bias. About 14 percent were motivated by anti-Latino bias.

Last year, when Asian Americans dealt with coronavirus-specific stereotypes, 27 percent of Asian Americans reported having ever experienced hate crimes or incidents, while 34 percent of Black Americans did, according to an AAPI Data survey.










 フランスの学校はつまらなそうだな。 80年代は
当時フランスに戻って きた時はそんなにそのリスペクトがあまり なかったほとんど知られてなくて むしろなんか小馬鹿にほらちょっとされ07:37たっていうのはあるんじゃないかな
僕も自分のことを イギリス人と思ったこともないし日本人と 思ったこともないし何人とも思ったことが ない自分は自分でもそれはそれでいいん じゃないんですか 」







“When faced with our world, Barbie must contend with twin horrors: the realization that life for women is not the manicured, you-can-do-anything dream advertised by Mattel’s products, and that many real-world women in fact resent her for representing an impossible standard,”




Farewell Letter
Dear Mother at  last the day has come when the final flower will Bloom I will go smiling please do not say anything since all is for the country the day when we meet next will be under the splendid flowers at Yasukuni Shrine please say that I did well and smile without crying I am praying for everyone's good health forever and ever 
take care 

he finishes this letter with a poem that is directly translated here

today's mission is something I have long awaited all that's left for me now is to crash straight on into some enemy craft

carrier April 6 1945 setsuo


5 か月前
When I was in 3rd grade we went on a field trip one time to a war memorial in a local cemetery. A WWII veteran met us there to tell us his story. I don't remember all the details of his story, but one in particular has stood out to me now for 20 years.

 He was in a Japanese POW camp, and he decided to escape one night. He was sneaking around, hidden behind a corner, and he saw one of the Japanese guards on patrol stop to read a letter he pulled out of his pocket. This vet thought that there might be some valuable intel in that letter, so he decided to kill the guard and take the letter off of him. He snuck up behind him and quietly slit his throat. He could read Japanese, so he read the letter... it was a letter from the guard's young son asking him to please come home soon. He said he balled his eyes out all the way back to the American camp. 

Couldn't blame him. Ever since then, I've had a really hard time when studying history as seeing the opposite side as "evil." But war itself? That seems pretty evil.

日本に捕虜として捕まったが脱走。脱走するとき手紙を読むために立ち止まっていた監視の日本兵を殺害。日本兵の持っていた手紙には「はやく帰ってきてね」と子供からの手紙。 泣きながら米軍基地に戻った、と。


03:14 Why do you wanna go on living ? What do you care about anything ? If this terrible truth, this meaningless end of everything. And you have to try to figure out knowing that is true, not giving yourself a fake heaven and hell and nonsense. But knowing the worst. Figure it out even knowing the worst why is still worthwile. 03:40 That's a tough assignment to explain to somebody why it's so terrible and why it's still important to go on. And this is a challenge for artists all the time to try to figure it out.


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