
”We end up sypathising more with the plucky dogs in the film” than a Japanese character.

* window dressing ショーウィンドウの飾り付けの、うわべを飾る、外見を繕う、見せかけの、まやかしの粉飾決算の


Orientalism & Technology: A Primer on the Techno-Orientalism Debate Definition, brief history, tropes and characteristics by Elif HarrisMarch 15, 2023 

 Techno-Orientalist narrative blends traditional Orientalist tropes with technologically advanced elements to predict a threatening future controlled by Asiatic people. It’s the newest form of Orientalism and operates under the same principles as Edward Said’s with stereotype of “othering” at it’s core, but has one striking contrast — others are not backward and uncivilized anymore but highly advanced and technologically superior than the West.

Some earlier examples of work associated with Techno-Orientalism include William Gibson’s 1984 novel Neuromancer, which features a mix of Japanese culture and cybernetics, and Ridley Scotts’ seminal movie Blade Runner (1982), set in a dystopian Los Angles with Japanese influenced cyberpunk aesthetics. More recent works in film genre includes The Matrix (1999), Cloud Atlas (2012), Ex Machanica (2014), Ghost in the Shell (2017), and After Yang (2022).

Historic roots of othering of East Asians:
Western fascination (or xenophobia) with Eastern culture, in particular Japan has existed for ages and is not a recent phenomenon. The earlier form the Techno-Orientalism in speculative genre is understood to be a response of American anxieties about Japan’s growing influence on a global economy and technology boom after World War II, and now with rising China the focus has progressively shifted as evident from the latest Hollywood trends and works of fiction.

  • the Asian laborer machine which upholds model minority stereotypes.
  • the dismemberment of the cyborg which only occurs when the Asian cyborg threatens to breach white superiority.
  • and if the cyborg is female a fetishized sexually subservient body that is also, eventually, violently dismembered








This is how Japan left the changing room after defeating Zambia. Spotless and with a ‘thank you’ note in Japanese. Pure class 👏
全米が涙、全世界が驚愕! ・・・ウソ

04:11 So on the one hand, it's easy to recognize the Kafkaesque in today's world. We rely on increasingly convoluted systems of administration that have real consequences on every aspect of our lives. And we find our every word judged by people we can't see according to rules we don't know. On the other hand, by fine-tuning our attention to the absurd, Kafka also reflects our shortcomings back at ourselves. 04:41 In doing so, he reminds us that the world we live in is one we create, and have the power to change for the better.







  (耕論)「帰れ」という言葉 クアテンユニスさん、鎌田遵さん、板垣竜太さん


My life as a foreigner on provisional release, 

born and raised in Japan





入管の「権限強化」では解決しない 「やさしい猫」中島京子さん寄稿








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