
“If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves.”


2023.05.28 ミアシャイマー教授インタビュー⑥ 「兵力と火力で勝るロシアがウクライナに勝つ」「ロシアはさらに領土を獲得して自国に併合する


 INTERVIEW: John Mearsheimer On US Power & the Darkness Ahead for Ukraine 03:54 all over the planet think that the United States behaves like a thug 


  The Destruction of Ukraine
Ukraine’s future looks bleak in the extreme. The war shows no signs of ending anytime soon, which means more destruction of infrastructure and housing, more destruction of towns and cities, more civilian and military deaths, and more damage to the economy. And not only is Ukraine likely to lose even more territory to Russia, but according to the European Commission, “the war has set Ukraine on a path of irreversible demographic decline.”64 To make matters worse, the Russians will work overtime to keep rump Ukraine economically weak and politically unstable. The ongoing conflict is also likely to fuel corruption, which has long been an acute problem, and further strengthen extremist groups in Ukraine. It is hard to imagine Kyiv ever meeting the criteria necessary for joining either the EU or NATO.
US Policy toward China The Ukraine war is hindering the U.S. effort to contain China, which is of paramount importance for American security since China is a peer competitor while Russia is not.65 Indeed, balance-of-power logic says that the United States should be allied with Russia against China and pivoting full force to East Asia. Instead, the war in Ukraine has pushed Beijing and Moscow close together, while providing China with a powerful incentive to make sure that Russia is not defeated and the United States remains tied down in Europe, impeding its efforts to pivot to East Asia.



In the coming days, Prigozhin will be captured or killed. Any trial would compound Putin’s colossal embarrassment. The reason he must fail is that, in Russia, he falls into a specific category: like Yemelyan Pugachev, who rebelled against Catherine the Great in 1773, Prigozhin has no power base in Moscow, let alone in the military and security establishment he has so savagely ridiculed.


Yet there is also a lesson in this for Putin: if he does not fire Shoigu and Gerasimov and start anew with leaders plucked from the smart younger officers who have emerged in recent fighting, he will have to abandon the war that has become Russia’s misfortune.



“If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves.” — Lane Kirkland

トルコ人はイスラム教徒で異教徒を騙して殺すんだ、とか、buvery さんがコーランをひいていってなかったっけ?・・・それはともかく、 

Cevdet Yılmaz 

  Turkey’s new vice president hails from Kurdish village 05-06-2023 Rudaw Hakan Fidan
Hakan Fidan was born on 17 July 1968 in Ankara, Turkey. He is of Kurdish descent through his father.
Mehmet Şimşek
Şimşek was born to a Kurdish family[1] in 1967, in the village of Arıca in Gercüş District of Batman Province in Turkey






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