
”My heart is rent asunder”


The Impact of the Reformation on the Economic Development of Western Europe

The Protestant Reformation is a vivid example of how religious transformation could set in motion institutional changes, leading to profound consequences for economic and political development. Although economists and other social scientists agree that there is a strong relation between the Reformation and economic growth, there is an active discussion as to what are the causal pathways connecting Protestantism to long-run economic success. We discuss the causal pathways that received substantial empirical support in academic literature. Some of them, such as “work ethic” and entrepreneurial spirit of Protestants, were originally suggested by Max Weber, while others, such as religious freedom and education, are deeply grounded in economic theory. More recently, other causal pathways have been suggested, such as social ethic, civil society, and institutional changes. We bring our view of these pathway


プロテスタンティズムが、競争 教育、ガンバリズム、起業精神、信頼・正直、市民社会、政治法律など経済発展に有利なイデオロギーを醸成。


 SYNONYMS FOR rend asunder



 Fukuyama understood, in 1992, that liberal democracy would be in the most danger not from competing outside forces but from boredom and its effects on a restless population willing to experiment and reach for Platonic thymos, or spirited recognition.

Indeed, what is odd about Liberalism and Its Discontents is that, when Fukuyama sets out to describe the values he cares about without using the term classical liberalism, he often sounds like a socialist or Marxist of the secular, humanist, universalistic, and democratic mold.

In a recent interview with Novara Media’s Aaron Bastani, Fukuyama surprisingly agreed with a large amount of the current populist social democratic program recently proposed by Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn. For instance, in Liberalism and Its Discontents, he argues that economic class, rather than social identities, should be the basis for the subjectivity of political actors: “Social policies should seek to equalize outcomes across the whole society, but they should be directed at fluid categories like class rather than fixed ones like race or ethnicity.”



「執行されても戻ってこない」 秋葉原殺傷、死刑でも複雑な思い 毎日新聞 2022/07/26 2 





 suzuky Retweeted


世界経済3.2%成長に減速 インフレ重荷の一方、ロシアは上方修正 


 Russia is expected to shrink 6% this year, and another 3.5% in 2023, while the Ukraine’s economy is expected to contract by 45% in the war, with ‘high uncertainty’ over its outlook.


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主文 1 被告家庭連合,被告MA及び被告KWは,原告に対し,連帯して,4 7 6 万 0 5 0 0 円及びこれに対する平成 2 7 年 1 2 月 3 1 日から支払済みまで年 5 分の割合による金員(ただし第 2 項の限度で被告片 桐とそれぞれ連帯して)を支払え。


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