




But now the television is airing continuously rather sycophantic tributes to Mr. Abe, ignoring the fact that he was a rather controversial figure. And I guess it’s hard to sort of be critical of him openly at a time like this when he died a tragic death. But even though the television has been rather muted until today, because they have been sort of trying to keep the balance or trying to sort of not offend the government by too aggressively reporting on the past policy failures and scandals, now the media looks like it’s almost hijacked by LDP government’s record in a very analyzed — or, not so much analyzed in a positive way. So, this would quite possibly lead to a landslide victory by the ruling LDP and its allies on Sunday, which might in fact hand them a sort of a blank check that they will be able to utilize for the next years to come.
[スキャナー]警察幹部「完全に警察の落ち度」…容疑者が車道出た時点で「声かける必要あった」 2022/07/09
suzuky Retweeted


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