
Love bomb




 橋下氏 安倍元首相「国葬」反対も「共産党、辻元さんと同じはイヤ」

 デイリースポーツ 2022/07/17 0






山上容疑者の母親 現在も年金から献金か

[ 2022年7月17日



: a religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people:


The Overlap of Cults and Culture

Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation" to "training or education" to "adoration." In English, cult has evolved a number of meanings following a fairly logical path. The earliest known uses of the word, recorded in the 17th century, broadly denoted "worship." From here cult came to refer to a specific branch of a religion or the rites and practices of that branch, as in "the cult of Dionysus." By the early 18th century, cult could refer to a non-religious admiration or devotion, such as to a person, idea, or fad ("the cult of success"). Finally, by the 19th century, the word came to be used of "a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious."


Combatting cult mind control / Steven Hassan

 in an increasing number of organizations in our world. Nineteen Eighty-Four has come true: basic respect for the individual simply doesn't exist, and people are gradually led to think and behave in very similar ways through a process of mind control. As a result, they become totally dependent on the group; they lose the ability to act on their own and are often exploited for the sake of the group's economic or political ends.

信者にとっては、ジョージ・オーウェルの 1984年 (小説)が現実になっちゃうんだね。

Another aspect of the Unification Church, still insufficiently recognized, is that members justify the use of deception8 to recruit individuals. When I was a Moonie recruiter, we also used psychological pressure to convince members to turn over all their personal possessions and wealth to the church.9 Members are subjected to workshops that thoroughly indoctrinate them in church beliefs,10 and typically undergo a conversion experience in which they surrender to the group. As a result, they become totally dependent upon the group for financial and emotional support, and lose the ability to act independently of it.



opening minds: the secret world of manipulation, undue influence and brainwashing  Jon Atack


PLAINVIEW (2007) from Scott Tanner Jones on Vimeo.

The story seems far-fetched, but is based on over 70 actual cases where a caller successfully targeted restaurants or grocery stores in the US and convinced managers to strip search and, at times, participate in the sexual abuse of store workers. The movie Compliance and the short film Plainview are both based upon ‘Officer Scott’s’ despicable hoax calls. They illustrate the need to transform our relationship to authority.


Anyone who doubts the existence of influence is advised to watch a few Derren Brown videos. For the sake of entertainment and illumination, Derren Brown has cast his net wide in search of scams both old and new. He has revisited the tricks of the 19th century Spiritualist, and shown how innocents can be persuaded to turn tables, make bells ring and write on ‘sealed’ tablets, all the
while believing these actions were impelled by some outer force.

Brown is an accomplished hypnotist, and in a matter of moments can install a false memory in what appears to be an innocent conversation. In one show, a fifteen-minute exchange was all it took to convince a lifelong atheist of the presence of God – without any theological discussion.139 In another, four business executives each individually held up a security van at gunpoint, before being brought out of trance.




一冊目の本は元統一教会信者、2冊めの本は元サイエントロジー信者によるもの。で、両方の本に統一教会の”love bomb"という技法が紹介されている。

When I returned on Thursday night, I was barraged with flattery from all sides all evening. This practice, I would later learn, is called "love bombing.



 で、おれ、英語で統一教会の信者のこと Moonies といわれていることは知っていたが、迂闊にもなぜかはわからなかった。

「文鮮明」という名前も知っていたが、Sun Myung Moon なんだ英語では・・・だからMooniesと呼ばれるわけか?

 文在寅の支持者をMoonies とか呼んでやればよかったかも?



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