


 ESSE編集部 2022/07/03







野尻美保子(シーズン3) Retweeted 気味悪いけど目が止まるのはなぜ? 政治家には妖怪みたいなのが多いな・・・なんでだろう? はやいところ再稼働すべきだ。 

 池田信夫 Retweeted そういえば、期日前投票してきたわ。



Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 


 Liberal eugenics would be based upon prospective parents’ free choice, pluralist values, and up-to-date scientific understanding of genomic science and technology. Furthermore, advocates of liberal eugenics aim to be sensitive to the effects of some problematic but deeply entrenched social problems (e.g., racism, sexism, heterosexism) on individual choice. Authoritarian eugenics programs, in contrast, were coercive state programs designed to promote social goods, and were based on problematic scientific assumptions about hereditability 




3.2 The promoting injustice problem
 For instance, given the significant costs of these technologies, its use is likely to increase inequalities between people who have the finances to afford them, and those who do not.

Perhaps race should be morally neutral, but it is not commonly treated as such, and opening up “choice” for people who harbor explicit or implicit biases related to race allows for those biases to shape the next generation. 

3.3 The inconsistency problem
For instance, Bennett (2008) notes that an obligation to bring to birth the best children possible can only be established by placing a lower moral value on people with disabilities and that this obligation strongly argues for the introduction of eugenic policies.

3.4 Disability rights critiques

In what is known as the expressivist argument, disability theorists have argued that screening embryos or fetuses followed by destruction of the embryos or abortion of fetuses sends a negative message – “It is better not to exist than to have a disability” (Saxton 2000), “We do not want any more like you” (Wendell 1996) – to existing people with disabilities, particularly those living with disabilities for which testing is routinely done. The negative message is harmful and might be considered a form of discrimination.

3.5 Undermining core values
Sandel recognizes that many parents already exert excessive influence on their children’s lives, and may fail to love them unconditionally, but he worries that genetic technologies will only exasperate that tendency. 

 裕福な家庭だけこうした選択肢があるのは不正、また、人種的偏見を助長するような選択がされうるのもまずい。さらに、障がい者の倫理的価値を低減し、存在しないほうがいいのではないか、というメッセージを社会に送ってしまう。しかのみならず、 自分たちの子供を無条件に愛せない社会の風潮を強化してしまいかねない、などなど複雑で様々な議論・・・賛成も反対もある・・・が紹介されている。

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