

江川 v.s.立花 江川に一本! 弔問外交とか言ってたもんなあ? だな。 

  岡口 基一 昨日 9:40 ·
内閣法制局は、時の権力者に「名前」を利用されるだけの機関に成り下がってしまいましたね(😊) 普通の法令解釈ができるのは、一部の下級審裁判所だけになるのかもしれません。


 For decades, doctors believed ssris operated by boosting levels of serotonin, a chemical which carries signals between neurons in the brain. This supposition was based on the hypothesis that a lack of serotonin causes depression. But a growing number of investigations suggest that theory does not hold water

If serotonin is not the cause of depression, that raises questions about ssris. These do help some new patients, but not others. And they come at a cost. Possible side-effects include loss of libido and inability to reach an orgasm. They can also be hard to stop taking, leaving some who recover from depression dependent on them for life.

Already, clinical practice is changing to emphasise dealing with environmental triggers of depression, such as adversity and poor coping skills, rather than deploying drugs. 




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