
”3edgy5me ”



  要するに、石川(?)記者とか、クルド人問題で騒いでいる人たちは、「不逞鮮人はでていけええ!」と叫んでいる在特会と重なって見えるんだよ。 うんっ、原発➕太陽光発電だな。


chatGPT summary John Mearsheimer, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, discusses the Ukraine war and its long-term dangers in an interview. He highlights that Western military officials knew Ukraine's counter-offensive lacked necessary training and weapons to succeed but encouraged it regardless. 
Mearsheimer believes the West wanted Ukraine to show progress on the battlefield to maintain public support for the war. He argues that Ukraine's inclusion as a de facto NATO proxy without a formal promise of NATO membership led to a risky situation. Mearsheimer criticizes the lack of effort to prevent the war and suggests that the West's actions may have incentivized Russia to further destroy Ukraine. 
He also mentions that Russia may have sought a deal with Ukraine before the war escalated, but Western interference prevented it. The professor warns about potential risks of expanding the conflict, including the involvement of other countries like Poland. He discusses the possibility of an unhappy ending for the war and speculates on the potential use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances. Overall, Mearsheimer expresses concern about the long-term consequences and decisions made during the Ukraine conflict.


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 When something is so edgy that it cannot be expressed using the normal phrases "too edgy for me" or "2edgy4me"


  保科有里 大谷龍太氏の写真を投稿も“大谷翔平兄”とだけ記載し「ちゃんと名前を呼んで」と疑問の声 夢グループで保科さんといっしょに甘い一声「社長、もう一声おねがい ❤」みたいなのをやってくれたらウケる。


 アメリカ人はフォトショップうまいよなあ。 全然おもしろくないんだよなあ・・・・イギリスの笑いのここらへんはわからんのだ。




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