
”Strong People Don't Put Others Down. They lift them up”


町山智浩 Retweeted ザイム官僚はいい思いをして、大半の国民は苦しんでいる、と。

 町山智浩 Retweeted 「選挙で勝った政党の言うことには従わなきゃ」と言っている人がいるのかどうか? 





「地球にウルトラセブンがいることを知らせるのよ」 「そうすれば侵略してこなくなる」 
「地球を守るためなら何をしてもいいのですか?」 「え?」 




Jus soli is the predominant rule in the Americas; explanations for this geographical phenomenon include: the establishment of lenient laws by past European colonial powers to entice immigrants from the Old World and displace native populations in the New World, along with the emergence of successful Latin American independence movements that widened the definition and granting of citizenship, as a prerequisite to the abolishment of slavery since the 19th century.

Outside the Americas, however, jus soli is rare.[7][8] Since the Twenty-seventh Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland was enacted in 2004, no European country grants citizenship based on unconditional or near-unconditional jus soli


新世界(しんせかい、New World)あるいは新大陸(しんたいりく、New Continent)とは、大航海時代に欧州人が新たに発見した土地に対する呼称である。

The Real Origins of Birthright Citizenship

 Colonization societies organized to entice former slaves to migrate away, to Canada, the Caribbean, or Liberia in West Africa. Black laws restricted everyday life—work, travel, worship—to such a degree that black men and women felt squeezed out and many considered self-deportation.





  kazukazu88 Retweeted わけの分からない評論家を使うメディアの意図がよくわからなんのだなあ、おれは。 

 buvery Retweeted 洗脳された、洗脳した、ということは言っていない。
Asher said: “Starting at the age of two she was already telling us ‘I’m not a boy, I’m a girl’.” Noella legally transitioned at the age of seven and the family celebrated her name change with a surprise party. Her modelling career started in Chicago and she is believed to be the youngest transgender model to walk the runway in NYFW. She is proud to be bringing awareness to transgender people through her modelling and through her activism work. She said: “It’s important for me to go to protests to support people like me.” The family have been subjected to judgement and negativity with comments accusing Asher of ‘forcing’ or ‘abusing’ their child and they received a lot of backlash after Noella got hormone blockers. Asher said: “This process is under the purview of medical professionals, mental health professionals. It’s providing her the ability to continue living her life as who she is.”

英メディア「Metro」のインタビューに答えているNoellaさんの母親(Deeさん)によれば、彼女は2歳の時に「自分は男ではない」と言うようになったという。そして、4歳の時、医者に女性であることを宣言したのだとか。 両親からは手術を受けるには若すぎると判断されたものの、社会的にはこの当時から女性へのトランジション(性別移行)を始めているという。そして、7歳の時に合法的に名前を変更したそうだ。
Transgender model walks the New York Fashion Week runway at just 10 years old Comment author image Ellen Scott Tuesday 16 Aug 2022
Everything changed when, at four years old, Noella went to therapy and declared that she was a girl. Her parents feel their daughter is too young to begin medically transitioning, but have allowed her the freedom to explore her identity in the meantime.



・・・まず、 シャロン・ストーンさんにしても、ヴェラ・ウォンさんにしても、ダイアン・キートンさんにしても全然若く見えない。







Sinead O'Connor passed away at the age of 56 The singer never imagined that the pain her mother gave her would also be given to her own children. And although she tried to fight her depression, the passing of her 17-year old son Shane ended up sinking her even more, longing for a reunion with him until her last breath.

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