— 大寺眞輔@新文芸坐シネマテーク (@one_quus_one) August 17, 2023
それで平均的ドイツ人、中流以下のドイツ人の暮らしはよくなったのか、どんな感じなのか知りたいよなああ。過去20年間の「構造改革」と言われた政策は日本の労働賃金の圧迫を目的にしていたのだから、そうなるよな。その間他の先進国はデジタル化や教育、女性の平等、マイノリティの包摂などの労働者の底上げに政治資源が注がれていたわけで。 https://t.co/pgvNCUAnE3
— kazukazu88 (@kazukazu881) August 17, 2023
Germany is now officially in recession it has some of the highest inflation in the EU and the IMF expects Germany to be the worst performing economy in the G7 this year to make matters worse last week the German finance ministry admitted that they didn't think a sustained recovery would happen anytime soon due to weak Global demand so what's gone wrong for05:09the German economy well as we see it there are at least three things the first is that Germany's industry heavy export-driven growth model no longer looks viable this is for at least three reasons first the competitiveness of German industry relied in part on cheap Russian gas via the Nordstrom pipeline which is obviously not an option anymore second the world economy is slowing down which means weak Global demand and less demand for German export thoughts this is especially true in China which used to be Germany's second largest export05:42Market but has struggled to recover post-pandemic third the wave of industry-focused protectionism sweeping the developed World especially in America.....government is paying the price of austerity in part because they're hyper cautious about spending the German government has reliably under invested in its Public Services even when they were running large budget surpluses German public investment as a percentage of GDP has been far lower than its European peers ever since reunification and this is hurting its productivity Germany Road and rail services are nowhere near as good as the international cliches suggest one in eight of its 40 000 major bridges are no longer in adequate condition and
last year one in every three German trains arrived late German trains are actually so unreliable that Switzerland has started cutting back on Deutsche Barn operated rail routes running across the Swiss German border because they were disrupting the punctual Swiss trains all this makes it harder to do business in Germany and discourages Investments the third reason is a lack of political stability as we've explained in previous videos the German Coalition is currently beset by infighting which means they're not07:19really able to come up with effective policy solutions to Germany's economic malaise
The government's response and duration of the recession are uncertain, with a need for increased energy supply and careful monetary policy. Additionally, a report from the Battledest Man Foundation indicates that around 40 percent of German companies are choosing not to invest in innovation, potentially influenced by the pandemic and other factors. This decline in innovation could pose risks to the German economy's long-term prosperity and competitiveness.
左翼政権の原発ゼロと再エネで、ドイツは再び「ヨーロッパの病人」になった。 https://t.co/BrjGBlCQyl
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) August 17, 2023
the sick man of the euro そこまでひどくなるわけ?
Poverty on rise among Germany's elderly
our pension is about twelve hundred dollars but with 840 dollars just for the rent not even including food sanitary items or medication it's not enough that's why we also get the so-called basic pension on top of it it took them three years to finally apply for the additional State 00:35 benefit and also to go to a food bank年金1200ドル、およそ、175000円、家賃が840ドル、およそ12万2千円 それでも、フードバンクにいくほど・・・
the last time inflation was this high was back in the early 1970s when this wall still divided this city back then a phrase was coined to describe the combination of stagnant economy and rising inflation stag flation for now ministers say the threat of a
02:22 return to that era is distant for now dominic kane al jazeera berlin
なかなか難しい問題。地震の親族を見舞うために、難民申請中だが一時帰国したい、って『国に迫害されて逃げている』というストーリーはどうなった。最初から嘘なんですよ。 https://t.co/PSyMv4OhBW
— buvery (@buvery) August 17, 2023
前にも引用したが、EUその他の国ではそうした見方をしていない。イラクのクルド自治政府から、トルコにパイプラインを通して石油輸出しているくらいで、『クルドであること』をトルコは問題にしていない。また、イラン・イラクのクルド領域とは地続きなんだから、命が危ないならそちらに逃げるでしょう。難民という話は、最初から、嘘なんですよ。 https://t.co/H8VtYIeth8 pic.twitter.com/HhEl5fIeXW
— buvery (@buvery) August 17, 2023
A country is considered as a SCO when, with regard to a legal basis the application of the law within a democratic system and the general political circumstances, it can be shown that there is generally and consistently no persecution as defined in the Qualification Directive, no torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and no threat by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict.そこでは難民を出すような迫害や拷問、非人間的な扱い、刑罰、差別的な脅威はない、という国なんだそうだが、
✓ Only Croatia and Hungary include
Turkey in their safe country of origin
— Spica (@CasseCool) August 17, 2023
旅先で出くわすアメリカ人は学生の他だと学校の先生ということが多い。 https://t.co/brruCaGHox
能動態でも受動態でもない「中動態」を知ると少し生きやすくなる 著者は語る 國分功一郎『中動態の世界――意志と責任の考古学』日本語も日本人も普遍的である ― 池田信夫blog https://t.co/2SQuiq44IM
— 池田信夫 (@ikedanob) August 17, 2023
A voice that is neither active nor passive, because the subject of the verb cannot be unambiguously categorized as either agent or patient, for having elements of both.Usage notesEnglish has no morphological middle voice category, but does have lexical middle verbs and syntactic middle voice constructions.
active voice: Dennis broke the window.
passive voice: The window was broken (by me).
lexical middle voice: The window broke.
「中動態」としてのケア、「ハビトゥス」としてのケア 丹 木 博 一
という西田の言葉が引用されていたが、こういう表現は主語を省略するのが原則のような日本人には比較的わかりやすいが、 英語の話者にはたぶんわかりにくい。
私は「態」よりも、 ”agent”の概念を批判的に吟味したほうがおもしろいのではないかな、と思っている。
中動態と対立するところの能動態においては──こう言ってよければ──主体は蔑ろに されている。「能動態」とは単に過程の出発点になるということであって、われわれが たとえば「主体性」といった言葉で想像するところの意味からは著しく乖離している 7 。
中動態に対置される能動態において表現されるのは、主体が事態を引き起こすということの みである。引き起こした後は、主体は当の事態から距離をとり、もはやそれ以上関与するこ とはない。
- 養育費を受け取っていない。
- 子供が就職に足かせ
- 非正規雇用(一定期間の雇用契約)の罠ーーー収入が低い、雇用保険社会保険が手薄 クビになりやすい
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