
It's easier for Finns and Danes to shape their lives because the government supports so many of their basic needs. ”


Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.


 The idea is a good balance of life. You don't have to get super rich to be happy, they believe.


In fact, if someone's super rich, they, look, what's wrong with that person?

Can you shape your life the way you want? Christina was unhappy at her job in advertising and took an eight-month break. Social security is also something I think is very important. What I did didn't make me happy and it didn't let me have that work-life balance that we cherish so much here. And so we have a system that made it possible for me to quit my job and have some thinking time and figure out, you know, what's my next step in life.
Christina received about $2,000 a month from the Danish government while she was unemployed. She is now in school to become a painter. Her tuition is covered and she receives an educational stipend of about $1,000 a month. 

Two of the biggest perks of life in Denmark and Finland are free education and free health care.



It's easier for Finns and Danes to shape their lives because the government supports so many of their basic needs. The American dream is probably more alive in Denmark. The perception of freedom is probably also a little bit different. It seems like in the U.S. the feeling is you have to be protected from the government and you have to have freedom from the government.


I think in Denmark the sense is that the government protects you. 


There isn't super wealth and there's absolutely no super poverty. Everybody participates


Aristotle had it right when he launched the study of happiness 2,300 years ago. According to Aristotle's Golden Mean, good behavior lies between two vices, excess and deficiency. People who pursue only money and say, "I'll be happier the richer I am," turn out to be less happy. I


It would be considered bragging if you would tell about how much you make, etc. People are happier when they are generous and when they feel that the society that they're in is a generous society. 

Another way Denmark and Finland support their citizens? Paid annual vacation.


So in all Nordic countries, everybody has a right to paid annual vacation. It varies a little by country, but in Finland, for example, it's typically, after you work one year for the same employer, it's four weeks in the summer and one week in the winter and everybody gets this. 





 そして、そうしたバランスを可能にするのは手厚い社会保障ーー出産手当や育児休暇、育児手当などは日本もそこそこやっていると思うが、失業保険や年次有給休暇がgenerous 太っ腹 





 動画はアメリカ人による作品だが、homogenious やtight-knit といった社会の特性を日本に対するほど否定的にみていない。日本だったら保守的とか、排外主義的と言われて真っ向から否定されていただろう。



池田信夫 reposted 要らんな。 中国からの電話は中国大使館に転送する、とかできないのか? 

 buvery reposted





The radiation value measured by the Geiger counter is 976 times that of Tokyo. Friends who are afraid of death can quickly arrange to have a look. My family is more serious than Fukushima 3.0, and it will rise from time to time, with a maximum of 9.7. I was really shocked. According to CCTV news data, Tokyo is 0.01, which is 976 times that of Tokyo! I bought the Geiger counter for half a year, and I never thought about testing it at home, but it exploded as soon as I used it! I have already reached 12345. I have a terrible headache right now. You buy it and share it with me to see if it is common or an isolated phenomenon. 
ガイガーカウンターで測定された放射線量は東京の976倍です。死を恐れている友達はすぐに見てもらえるよう手配します。私の家族は福島3.0よりも深刻です。放射線量は時々上昇し、最高値を記録します」 9.7の。本当にショックでした。 CCTV のニュースデータによると、東京は 0.01 で、東京の 976 倍です! ガイガーカウンターを買って半年、自宅で試すことなど考えもしませんでしたが、使ったとたん爆発しました!すでに12345に達しています。今ひどい頭痛がしています。それを購入して私と共有して、それが一般的な現象なのか、それとも個別の現象なのかを確認してください。

 buvery reposted 英米の警官をなめたらあかんぜよ。

 buvery reposted Jakeさんは相変わらずだね。







Jesse Wilson
Japanese school food sucks. It's very reliable on color. Yeah it's healthy. But students never learn anything from it. Only thing they learn from it is getting bullied to eat their whole food and if they don't eat their whole food they can't go to recess. School lunch bullying is a big thing with old teachers

 給食全部食うことを強制される、 というのがある。おれはそんなことされなかったが、そういう先生がいる、というのを聞いたことはあった。「もったいない」とか「作ってくれた人に感謝」とか屁理屈言っているらしいが、全部食ったら体調が悪くなる場合もあるわけで、命が大事なら無理に強制するのはやめるべきだな。

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