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— 黒色珈琲 (@credws) August 7, 2023
Berlin's crime 'clans' look to lure Arab refugees
While East European and Asian organised crime and homegrown biker gangs are also active, the clans have been especially visible, given many members' love of gangster bling and muscle cars.
The dozen or so Arabic and Kurdish-origin extended families, with their patriarchal structures and codes of honour, have also been mythologised by rap artists and portrayed in the TV series "4 Blocks".
Sociologists say the story of Berlin's clans is a cautionary tale about failed integration.
Their patriarchs mostly arrived in the 1980s as refugees from then war-torn Lebanon, among them Palestinians and members of Turkey's Arabic and Kurdish minorities.
Many had only temporary protection status and "did not have access here to education or work", said Islamologist Mathias Rohe, arguing that this sped up the descent into delinquency.
Berlin's police is now under fire for having long neglected the problem -- something researcher Ralph Ghadban blames partially on a "fear of stigmatising and discriminating against certain minorities".
Germany's most notorious crime families
Organized crime among Arab, Kurdish and Turkish communities has become a media obsession in Germany. Here's a lowdown on who is who.
In contrast to notorious motorbike gangs or mafia groups, the groups referred to in German media and by police as "clans" define themselves by their family ties and a shared ethnic identity. But critics say the term "clan crime" puts family members under general suspicion, discriminating against those among them who are not criminals. "Clan crime" makes up less than 10% of organized crime investigations.
The Remmos belong to the Mhallami ethnic group, primarily native to southern Turkey and Lebanon. The Remmo family had fled war-torn Lebanon and came to Europe in the 1980s. The Mhallami mostly identify as Arab and are sometimes associated with Kurdish minorities
The Abou-Chaker family is of Palestinian origin and fled from a Lebanese refugee camp to Europe when civil war raged in Lebanon.
The Miri clan consists of several families of Mhallami origin
Mahmoud Al-Zein came from Lebanon to Germany in 1982.
組織犯罪の部族というのも別にクルド人にかぎったわけではない・・・「アラブ」「レバノン」 「マラミ」などがあげられている・・・この民族構成が具体的どんなものかわからんが、とにかくクルド人とは限りない。
What you need to know: Europe's crime networks
Organized crime is active across Europe, with groups generating over €100 million in revenue every year. Here's a list of some of the most prominent organizations.
buvery Retweetedこの甘い決定が不法滞在を加速させることを危惧します。クルド人問題を見てきた私には。彼らは大喜びだそうです。法務大臣や推進した公明党はフランス型の2世が暴れる暴動が起きたら、責任を取ってほしいRT在留資格ない外国人の子供、滞在容認への疑問 https://t.co/enKRyGPhE5 #
— 石井孝明(Ishii Takaaki) (@ishiitakaaki) August 6, 2023
France riots: Fuelled by everyday discrimination - BBC New
「ユダヤ人問題」(Judensache)とは、18世紀以降のヨーロッパで、ユダヤ人の解 放に伴って発生した問題を表す言葉である。1750年頃にイギ リスで、1790年頃にフランス革命でフランスでも議論が始まり、ユダヤ人問題(英語:jewish question、フランス語:la question juive)とも呼ばれるようになった。この定式は、非ユダヤ人との問題に対する政治的解決に対するユダヤ人の主張を強調する傾向があった。1860年以 降、ユダヤ人反対派はナショナリズムの文脈でこの言葉をますます流用し、ユダヤ人少数派とユダヤ教を一般社会の発展を阻害するものとして様々 な形で表現するようになった。
Holocaust Encyclopedia
Beginning in the 19th century—long before the Nazis took power in 1933—some German and other European writers, philosophers, and theologians claimed that the presence of a Jewish minority in society was a problem that needed to be solved.
「問題という言葉は陰険な論点先取りになることがある。ユダヤ人問題と言うことは,ユダヤ人が問題であると仮定することである」(『続審問』)と,アルゼンチンの現代作家ボルヘス,J.L.(Jorge Luis Borges, J.L.,1899-1986)は指摘している。ユダヤ人に対する偏見としていつも取り上げられるのは,『ベニスの商人』に象徴される物欲や金銭への執着であろう。...
Bruno Bauer – The Jewish Question In his book The Jewish Question (1843), Bauer argued that Jews could only achieve political emancipation if they relinquish their particular religious consciousness. He believed that political emancipation requires a secular state, and such a state did not leave any "space" for social identities such as religion. According to Bauer, such religious demands were incompatible with the idea of the "Rights of Man." True political emancipation, for Bauer, required the abolition of religion.[8]Karl Marx – On the Jewish Question Karl Marx replied to Bauer in his 1844 essay On the Jewish Question. Marx repudiated Bauer's view that the nature of the Jewish religion prevented assimilation by Jews. Instead, Marx attacked Bauer's very formulation of the question from "can the Jews become politically emancipated?" as fundamentally masking the nature of political emancipation itself......On this note Marx moved beyond the question of religious freedom to his real concern with Bauer's analysis of "political emancipation." Marx concluded that while individuals can be 'politically' free in a secular state, they were still bound to material constraints on freedom by economic inequality
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