
”the propaganda machine has v successfully whipped up anti-Japan anger and panic ”


kazukazu88 reposted


The transcript is a conversation where the speaker discusses statistics related to police violence against Black individuals and the Black Lives Matter movement. They address the misperceptions and media portrayal of these incidents. The speaker mentions the number of people killed by the police in 2016 (963), specifically focusing on how many were Black (233). They then discuss the significance of being unarmed in these cases (22 out of 233), highlighting the importance of understanding these numbers accurately for informed discussions and protests. The speaker emphasizes the need to have realistic and well-informed conversations about race relations and police violence.


もっとも、 白人との比較でいうと、

 Study that claims white police no more likely to shoot minorities draws fire

Even with new crowdsourced databases, measuring racial bias remains difficult

15 AUG 2019

But once the encounter rates were taken into account, it was clear that the white officer shot 50% of the black civilians they encountered and only 10% of the whites, revealing obvious racial bias, the authors write.

Knox and Mummolo say a better way to look for racial bias in police shootings is to compare incident rates to a benchmark, such as population or crime rates. For instance, a 2015 study of police shootings found that unarmed black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than unarmed white men, even after factoring in local crime rates.


羽田空港のカウンターへ向かいました パスポートを渡すとスタッフから 衝撃的な発言が 01:08 あなたはこの飛行機に乗れません パスポートの残存有効期間が6ヶ月未満 この残存有効期間とは有効期限までの残り の日数のことです パスポート自体の期限が 切れていなくても一定の期間が残ってい なければほとんどの国に入ることができ ません 渡航先の国によって残存有効期間は違い ますが多くの国は3ヶ月から6か月が必要 となります
へええ。 中国や韓国がいままで何倍ものトリチウムを流していたのに何もいわなかったしなあ。 

 buvery reposted catfishの語源について へええ。 退去強制手続と出国命令制度







松浦洋之 川口市議会議員 自民党 @matsugarasuya · 11h 朝のラジオ体操の後に昨晩外国人が居た場所を確認しに来たらこの有り様。 シートの上に座って飲んでいるのを自分の目で確認しているので間違いなく外国人が置いて行ったゴミです。 日々葛藤の中活動をしています。 こつこつとやって行きますかね



ありえるな。 敵だったのは知っていたが、「不二子ちゃん」と言っていたのは知らんかった。

  石川五ェ門 (ルパン三世)


Globalization and Its Discontents
Stiglitz argues that the policies pursued by the IMF are based on neoliberal assumptions that are fundamentally unsound:
whenever information is imperfect and markets incomplete, which is to say always, and especially in developing countries, then the invisible hand works most imperfectly.
Privatization without land reform or strong competitive policies resulted in crony capitalism, large businesses run by organized crime, and neo-feudalism without a middle class.


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