
” Americans are the salt of the earth. U.S.A is a city upon a hill".


‘No flashpoint in Cold War as dangerous as Taiwan is today’ – Mearsheimer, Wang Yiwei on whether China, US can avoid tragedy of great power politics By Hu Yuwei Published: Dec 12, 202

Taiwan is in a very dangerous situation. But I think that Ukraine and what has happened in Ukraine makes it less likely that China would attack Taiwan in the foreseeable future.


 What happened was the editors at the National Interest gave the article a very provocative title, which implied that I was not interested in defending Taiwan, which was not true. 

What I said in the article is that if China continues to grow economically at an impressive economic rate, much the way it has grown over the past 30 years, then eventually, China may come so powerful that the United States can no longer defend Taiwan.



 2014 Topic: SecurityGrand StrategyGreat PowersMilitary Strategy Regions: AsiaNortheast AsiaTaiwan
Say Goodbye to Taiwan
While the United States has good reasons to want Taiwan as part of the balancing coalition it will build against China, there are also reasons to think this relationship is not sustainable over the long term. For starters, at some point in the next decade or so it will become impossible for the United States to help Taiwan defend itself against a Chinese attack. Remember that we are talking about a China with much more military capability than it has today.

 In addition, geography works in China’s favor in a major way, simply because Taiwan is so close to the Chinese mainland and so far away from the United States. When it comes to a competition between China and the United States over projecting military power into Taiwan, China wins hands down. Furthermore, in a fight over Taiwan, American policy makers would surely be reluctant to launch major attacks against Chinese forces on the mainland, for fear they might precipitate nuclear escalation. This reticence would also work to China’s advantage. global times 

One might argue that there is a simple way to deal with the fact that Taiwan will not have an effective conventional deterrent against China in the not-too-distant future: put America’s nuclear umbrella over Taiwan. This approach will not solve the problem, however, because the United States is not going to escalate to the nuclear level if Taiwan is being overrun by China. The stakes are not high enough to risk a general thermonuclear war. Taiwan is not Japan or even South Korea. Thus, the smart strategy for America is to not even try to extend its nuclear deterrent over Taiwan.

There is a second reason the United States might eventually forsake Taiwan: it is an especially dangerous flashpoint, which could easily precipitate a Sino-American war that is not in America’s interest. 

THERE IS one set of circumstances under which Taiwan can avoid this scenario. Specifically, all Taiwanese should hope there is a drastic slowdown in Chinese economic growth in the years ahead and that Beijing also has serious political problems on the home front that work to keep it focused inward. If that happens, China will not be in a position to pursue regional hegemony and the United States will be able to protect Taiwan from China, as it does now. In essence, the best way for Taiwan to maintain de facto independence is for China to be economically and militarily weak. Unfortunately for Taiwan, it has no way of influencing events so that this outcome actually becomes reality.




All of this is to say that the United States is likely to be somewhat schizophrenic about Taiwan in the decades ahead. On one hand, it has powerful incentives to make it part of a balancing coalition aimed at containing China. On the other hand, there are good reasons to think that with the passage of time the benefits of maintaining close ties with Taiwan will be outweighed by the potential costs, which are likely to be huge. Of course, in the near term, the United States will protect Taiwan and treat it as a strategic asset. But how long that relationship lasts is an open question.





上記記事で引用されているCity upon a Hill

13「あなたがたは地の塩である。だが、塩に塩気がなくなれば、その塩は何によって塩味が付けられよう。もはや、何の役にも立たず、外に投げ捨てられ、人々に踏みつけられるだけである。 14あなたがたは世の光である。山の上にある町は、隠れることができない。 15また、ともし火をともして升の下に置く者はいない。燭台の上に置く。そうすれば、家の中のものすべてを照らすのである。 16そのように、あなたがたの光を人々の前に輝かしなさい。人々が、あなたがたの立派な行いを見て、あなたがたの天の父をあがめるようになるためである。」


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