一般的にいわれていることでナチやルワンダ虐殺などが有名この国連の投稿に対する日本の反応がひどい。別に日本のことなど言ってないのに、「ヘイトスピーチはよくない」と言われると日本が批判されているように感じる人はまったくどうかしてる。 https://t.co/NMJkZemzaC
— 町山智浩 (@TomoMachi) August 10, 2023
- 「わたしら」vs「やつら」
- 「チョウセンジン」「クルドジン」
- 差別
- 「ゴキブリ野郎」「寄生虫!」
- 組織化 「在特会」
- 分断、孤立化
- 準備 最終決着
- 迫害
- 抹殺
- 否定「殺してません!」「虐殺はなかった!」
— 丸田○男 🇯🇵🇺🇦 (@rU9n0FBs1FTivrL) June 6, 2023
すでに、引用したことがあるが、欧州でも回答はあって、1. Why do we turn a blind eye to such atrocities? Fear of possible allegations of racism is no justification for ignoring acts of this kind! In Austria, too, there are increasing numbers of rapes and attempted rapes by migrants.
2. Does it make any sense to continue talking about ‘isolated cases’ here?
3. Why does the Commission not take preventive measures?
Answer given by Ms Jourová on behalf of the Commission 6.5.2015The Commission is aware of the particular situation in Rotherham referred to in the question and condemns it. However, there is no conclusive evidence about a correlation between religion, ethnicity or migrant status and the likelihood of perpetrating rape.
町山智浩 Retweeted
— ゆっくり零仁 (@LHqK83CIm2Y8AGf) August 10, 2023
そして戦争で兵士として戦って死ぬことを讃え、戦死を名誉として美意識を植え付けるのである(´・ω・`) https://t.co/2AHW0DTgJA pic.twitter.com/4HOMgmPgT0
— 🐱野尻美保子(1) (@Mihoko_Nojiri) August 10, 2023
YVONNE: Where were you last night?RICK: That's so long ago, I don't remember.YVONNE: Will I see you tonight.RICK: I never make plans that far ahead.
「今をいきる」リック ・・・いいなああ・・・これだな。
この件、書いておきます。3年以上、リスク評価を担当する立場として社会の空気を読まずにデータ分析の結果を粛々と報告させていただきました。その過程で「恐怖を煽っている」「42万人死なないおじさん」などと言われ続けました。合理的でなく不必要に評価を下げる言説には心を痛めてきました。1/7 https://t.co/DFvpYIzhhG
— Hiroshi Nishiura (@nishiurah) August 8, 2023
2023-07-24 COVID-19の年代別死者数の推移
BSなんだけど、アメリカのポップカルチャーを脅かすのはKpopじゃないんだ?Remember, this is bait. They want interactions, they want spread. They know (or don't care) that it's BS. "Nonsense about Japan" has been $$$ for years, but now its condensed into soundbites instead of "top 10 words that can't be translated" articles. Block and move on. pic.twitter.com/qatyBROHdO
— Dr Wes Robertson (@ScriptingJapan) August 9, 2023
第 11 章 政治及び外交の次元でのインプリケーション
— ディラン (@lovingkaz) August 10, 2023
フォークランド問題を取り扱うに当たって、サッチャーが常に念頭に置いていたのは、1956 年のスエズ 危機の失敗であったと言われる。サッチャーはスエズ危機の歴史的な教訓として以下の点を挙げている1383。 ①我々は決然としていない限り、 https://t.co/j2RRA7KVv9
04:10crowds in argentina celebrated the news but they were wronged to assume the british would do nothing because the person in charge of the united kingdom at the time was this lady thatcher was a somewhat controversial prime minister but whether you loved her or hated her there was no denying that she was tough like metal iron for example she immediately declared an exclusion zone around the islands and organized for a task force of over 100 ships to set sail for the falklands the united nations expressed concern at the argentine04:34invasion all south american nations apart from chile backed argentina and since the united states had propped up the argentine dictatorship reagan went to thatcher and said could you maybe just let them have the islands and thatcher said no okay here have some weapons
00:35 when argentina invaded the falkland islands they believed that britain wouldn't even respond15:08argentinian assumptions regarding the next phase quickly fell apart the decision was taken almost immediately that they would have to be retaken a combined land sea and air campaign that 15:44 would have to leave as soon as possiblethe rest of the world reacted to the invasion with shock the un issued resolution 502 calling for an16:20immediate withdrawal of argentine forces the us after attempts to broker a peace also came down on the side of the uk they offered arms such as sidewinder air-to-air missiles and the continued use of wide awake airfield on ascension island both of which would prove crucial in the battle to come and although several latin american nations voiced approval for argentina's claim to the islands chile did not
00:38 the relationship hit its lowest point during the Falklands War when President Reagan kept urging the Prime Minister to negotiate a truce a suggestion she flatly rejected 255 soldiers died before Britain retook the islands in time the relationship warmed
Reagan, yielding to advisers who regarded Britain’s insistence on retaining sovereignty over the sparsely populated islands as a colonial anachronism, urged the prime minister to show magnanimity rather than force the invading Argentine troops to surrender, and to reach a cease-fire deal providing for a shared Argentine-British role in the islands’ future and a joint American-Brazilian peacekeeping force“The best chance for peace was before complete Argentine humiliation,” the memo recorded Reagan as saying. “As the U.K. now had the upper hand, it should strike a deal now,” rather than act in a way that further hardened Argentine feelings.
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