
”Netflix’s not-so-secret plan to survive the Hollywood writers strike”


 東京生まれの日本のハーフの経験 | 日本人と黒人 ft. ハナ | Awich, Yellow Bucks, などのキャスティングをやっている映像ディレクター 





  Harvard professor debunks the biggest exercise myths | Daniel Lieberman 

Harvard professor Daniel Lieberman addresses various exercise myths in a discussion. He highlights misconceptions such as our ancestors being incredibly strong, the trade-off between speed and strength, the normal decline of physical activity with age, and the belief in a perfect type and amount of exercise. He emphasizes that walking is the most fundamental human physical activity, and while our ancestors were physically active, modern lifestyles have made it challenging for many people to get enough exercise. Lieberman dispels the myth that running destroys your knees, citing research showing that it can actually promote joint health when done correctly. He also stresses the importance of maintaining physical activity as we age to combat problems like 'Sarcopenia,' the loss of strength and power, which can lead to a cycle of decreased activity and reduced fitness. He encourages embracing physical activity as it increases both healthspan and lifespan, and the evidence shows that staying active becomes more critical as we grow older.

  This Is How You Can Prevent Cancer | Daniel E. Lieberman
Summary: The transcript is a conversation with Daniel E. Lieberman discussing ways to prevent cancer and improve overall health. Lieberman points out that the medical system is primarily focused on treating diseases after they occur rather than preventing them. He emphasizes the importance of shifting the focus to prevention and highlights that many diseases, including cancer, are not inevitable and can be prevented. He mentions that in the Western world, diseases like cancer are more prevalent due to factors such as a sedentary lifestyle and poor diets. He stresses the need for physical activity, good quality food, and education to improve health outcomes. Lieberman also talks about the association between cancer and wealth, explaining that cancer is related to high energy levels, which can be influenced by insulin and other hormones. He advises against consuming foods high in sugar and low in fiber to avoid inflammation and control insulin levels. The conversation also touches on the prevalence of cancer in non-Western populations and the benefits of physical activity in regulating inflammation. Lieberman notes that any level of physical activity is better than none and that small amounts of exercise already provide significant health benefits. He dispels the notion that one needs to mimic a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to achieve good health. Overall, the transcript emphasizes the importance of preventive measures and physical activity in reducing the risk of cancer and other diseases.

  Netflix’s not-so-secret plan to survive the Hollywood writers strike
Summary: The Hollywood writers' strike, led by the Writers Guild of America, has resulted in a shortage of original content for many streaming platforms. However, Netflix has found a strategy to survive the strike by investing heavily in the South Korean entertainment industry. Netflix has committed $2.5 billion to the Korean market, planning to release 34 Korean titles in 2023, showcasing a significant expansion of Korean-language content. This move comes as Korean dramas and other Asian content have gained immense popularity among global audiences, with breakout hits like "Squid Game." The success of Korean content has influenced Western audiences' tastes, driving a growing demand for Asian media, including anime from Japan and shows from India and Indonesia. Netflix's increased spending on original content in the wider Asia-Pacific region reflects the importance of these markets to its future success. As the streaming giant taps into the thriving Asian entertainment industry, there is a strong possibility that 2023's top shows on Netflix will feature more Asian content than ever before.



Anthropological writings explore themes in headhunting that include mortification of the rival, ritual violence, cosmological balance, the display of manhood, cannibalism, dominance over the body and soul of his enemies in life and afterlife, as a trophy and proof of killing (achievement in hunting), show of greatness, prestige by taking on a rival's spirit and power, and as a means of securing the services of the victim as a slave in the afterlife.[1]

In many cases he would then cut off their heads with a hacksaw and take it back to his apartment as a momento. Once he got his trophies home Bundy would carry out sick acts, like washing their hair and applying make-up before he would perform sex acts on them. And the murderer had a chilling reason for wanting to take the heads home with him.

He said: "When you work hard to do something right, you don’t want to forget it.”


One of the tactics he used to get them close to his car was to wear a fake cast and ask them to help him carry something.


The Shocking Truth: The Silence of the Lambs

 Chillingly, Bundy would often spend the night with the corpses of those he had killed and would return again and again to have sex with their dead bodies.

He only stopped when they were too decomposed or had been eaten by animals.

Bundy also used to pose the victims into styles he had seen in porn when he was a child and take Polaroid snaps so he could look at them again and again.

In a further gruesome confession, Bundy even admitted to eating parts of his victims' bodies so he could "possess" them and they would become part of him.


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