
"Killing must feel good to God, too."

Guardian-reading wokerati reposted こういう的はずれなことを言うと、なんかスッキリするのか? 

 Guardian-reading wokerati reposted 意識としては「あっち」の俳優程度なんだよな。





中国が全面的な放射性物質の検査で事実上、生鮮魚の輸入を制限し、香港が10都県からの水産物を輸入禁止にする一方、日本近海で漁を続けていることに、SNSでは批判的な声が多く上がっている。 《処理水流すから、危険だと言ってる中国は日本近海に漁業に来んな》


While they're saying it's dangerous, Chinese and Taiwanese fishing vessels are flocking in large numbers to catch Pacific saury. What they're saying and what they're actually doing are completely different. Diplomatically, such contradictions should be pointed out, and a firm political response should be taken."

China has practically restricted the import of fresh fish through comprehensive inspections for radioactive substances. Meanwhile, Hong Kong has banned the import of aquatic products from ten Japanese prefectures. These actions have led to numerous critical voices on social media, pointing out the hypocrisy of China continuing fishing activities in Japan's nearby waters.

People who are saying it's dangerous due to releasing treated water shouldn't come for fishing in Japan's nearby waters."

日本の汚染水放出に韓国京畿道知事「怒りがこみ上げる…他国のことになぜ我々の税金を使うのか」 8/23(水 


 英で大勢の赤ちゃん殺害の元看護師、動機語らず 自宅で発見されたメモの意味は

‘Killing addiction’: Criminologists on why ‘nice’ nurse Lucy Letby became baby murderer

“Most murders are done for sex, anger, money, hatred, revenge,” he told The Independent. “So killing babies is a very rare phenomenon, because they’re harmless, there’s no hatred involved - people can’t get their head around it. And killing babies is extremely rare among nurses, as most are sadly likely to be killed by their parents or parents’ partners.”

What he is certain about is that Letby managed to get away with the murders for so long because of the “nice Lucy” persona she had created.

“People seemed to like her and that obviously worked to her advantage,” he said. “It was so hard for people to think of her as being a killer. Serial killers are often loners. Until this happened she was a normal person. She’s breaking all the rules.”

Letby committed her crimes “quietly”, Prof Berry explained. “She wasn’t playing the heroine. She didn’t go out to provoke any attention, which is interesting.

“Some killers enjoy killing, playing God, getting a kick out of being the ultimate God. She causes harm and gets pleasure and a buzz out of causing the pain.”

“Killing someone does make you God - having someone’s life in your hands is a powerful thing,” he said. 

“The joy doesn’t last forever - it’s an addiction. And the killing is not quite perfect, she wants to improve it, so she does it again and again.”

Instead, he [Prof Canter]suggested her getting away with it for so long could have led to feelings of excitement or power. The contact that Letby sought to have with the parents could similarly have led to a feeling of power, he said, in “enjoying their deep distress”.



Dr. Hannibal Lecter : Killing must feel good to God, too... He does it all the time, and are we not created in His image? (殺害は神にとって気持ちのいいものにちがいない。神はいつでも命を奪っている・・・・そして人間は神の似姿に創造されたわけだろう?と)

01:10 訪れた観光客に次々と声をかけ上野東照宮 の 修理費用になるとして 御札のようなものと数珠を1万円で売って いたというのです
こんくらいの御札なら普通のお寺でも売っているじゃん? ・・・・・まあ、普通の宗教もかなり怪しい商売だからな・・・・そこらへん認識しないとな・・・・おれはいろんな宗教のありがたーーいお話大好きだら、逆に宗教のこういう下衆な商売には厳しい。

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