まともなクルド人、まともな難民申請しているまともなクルド人と嘘の難民申請しているクルド人、違法行為、迷惑行為をしているクルド人・・・なんでも味噌糞いっしょくたにしているのが駄目。日本にいるまともなクルド人は、嘘の難民申請をしておらず、違法雇用など違法行為にも関与していなくて、合法ビザを持っている人。そういう人は、何の特別措置も要らない。他の外国人と同じ。 https://t.co/ngfIIraNOE
— buvery (@buvery) August 4, 2023
— 黒色珈琲 (@credws) August 4, 2023
移民・難民も同じ。政治と報道は、マイナス面も国民に正しく伝えることが、受入、共生の鍵。 https://t.co/wlGs4UEPR1
滞在できないより滞在できた方が良いに越した事は無いけれど、なぜ140人なのか。小さいときに日本に来た子どもは対象外。親が不法に入国した場合は子どもは救済されない。しかし、難民の人たちは他人のパスポートで来る人が多いことも知ってほしい。 pic.twitter.com/67QZEHqdJU
— 福島みずほ 参議院議員 社民党党首 (@mizuhofukushima) August 4, 2023
在留資格ない子ども、原則滞在許可へ 例外条件も設定 入管庁
寛大な措置で大方賛成だが、 しかし、オーバーステイしている親についてもお咎めなし、というのはまずくないか?他に保護者がいる場合に限って子供は残し、親はいったん帰国させるべきではないのか?
2023/08/04 07:31
「短期滞在」や「留学」の在留資格で入国した親が、在留期間が過ぎて不法滞在になった後も、難民認定申請を繰り返すなどして日本にとどまり、結婚、出産をしたケースが多いとされる。 ・・・
げ、これ気づかなかったけど、女子がおっぱい切っているデザインだったのか。猥褻物陳列で引っ張っても良いんじゃ? https://t.co/DbdJQFuGpC
— buvery (@buvery) August 4, 2023
もちろん幼い内に第二次性徴を止めることは様々なリスクが生じ、骨密度減少や不妊の要因にもなります。 自身もトランスでトランス医療の権威かつ世界トランス医療専門会(WPATH)会長Marci Bowersも、「9−11歳で思春期を止めた子供達は誰も性的快感を経験できていない」と認めています。
Dear colleagues, clients and friends,
Regarding the 10/4/21 article by Abigail Shrier, I remain disappointed by the tone and intent of the article. My comments were taken out of context and used to cast doubt upon trans care, particularly the use of puberty blockers
it is far from certain that patients will sustain permanent sexual dysfunction. It is still possible that adults with a history of puberty blockade will go on to have satisfying sexual lives, but these patients need to be tracked and this measure documented.
Transcript: Dr. Marci Bowers on "Face the Nation," July 23, 2023
MARGARET BRENNAN: So deserves health care, there are other treatments as well, hormone therapies, and the like. A lot of these laws that are recently becoming or taking hold are aimed at this young segment of the population. How much research is there into the effects of puberty blockers and hormone treatments of people in this age group?
DR. BOWERS: Right, well, we have decades of experience with trans treatment overall. And- and that shows unequivocally that treatment is beneficial. But in this age group, really we've only been treating with hormone blockers, which is the point of real controversy that- that people are after, since the late 2000s. But in that time, there has been research, especially from groups in, in the Netherlands, but increasingly here as well and experienced with this in this the results are similar, we're seeing certainly very high levels of satisfaction, improved self esteem, reduce suicidality. So- so they seem similar to what we've- we've already witnessed in adult populations. But the controversy is that I think people feel like this number is increasing, and it's going to like, envelop their children and- and spread like a contagion, which is just really a false narrative.
Fox の記事でも、
MEDIA Published July 24, 2023 9:00pm EDT
Genital surgeon flip flops on 'castration' drug for trans kids, now praises them as 'beneficial'
GnRH is commonly used to chemically castrate individuals with prostate cancer. Countries like Sweden, Finland and the UK have distanced themselves from its use in children with gender dysphoria as a standard of care.
"What we call GnRH treatment is chemical castration. And it can affect mental health in an unintended, undesirable way," said Dr. Ricard Nergårdh, a pediatric endocrinologist at the Karolinska Institute. "I'm very worried about it, and I think I'm not alone in that."
The FDA has not approved it as treatment of gender dysphoria, and found a "plausible association" between GnRH and a condition that can cause brain swelling.
A systemic review of medical literature from a top Swedish medical institution, which excluded studies with a high level of bias, found that GnRH can cause issues with bone mineral density – leading to osteoporosis.
She previuosly told Fox News DIgital, "My view of puberty blockers has never wavered— they are safe and reversible.
Puberty blocker health risksで検索するととにかく賛否両論いろいろでてくる。
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