0:49 A Leitmotif is a short, recurring musical phrase. They can be tied to a specific character, setting, emotion, or idea.
9:47 As Wagner once said, leitmotifs are guides to feelings,ライトモチーフ キャラ/地域/感情/などに結びついて繰り返される楽句・音楽的フレーズ
町山さんがバービーを解説すること自体がまさにマンスプレイニングなんだろうね。『バービー』でケンがマッチボックス20の「プッシュ」を歌うけど、『バービー』を観た後、「あれは、I wanna push you aroundは『君をアゴで使いたい』って歌詞で、男の女性支配願望を歌ってるんだ」と説明するとケンと同じマンスプレイニングになっちゃうので気を付けたい。https://t.co/6zlYxO1mus
— 町山智浩 (@TomoMachi) August 10, 2023
あら、負けちゃったんだ。ご苦労さま!日本の敗因はスウェーデンより得点が少なかったことです。 pic.twitter.com/H6FaO2LDDI
— Spica (@CasseCool) August 11, 2023
— Spica (@CasseCool) August 11, 2023
これは先進国指数か。近代化とは非血縁化。 pic.twitter.com/F0CukbjSZ1
石油の9割をアメリカからの輸入に頼って いた日本にとって 計り知れない打撃だっ たの指導者たちはアメリカがそこまで強硬 に反応するとは 想定していなかっ た南部普通に慎重に関わった石井はこう 振り返っている 大変お恥ずかしい次第だが南部仏印に出た だけでは多少の反応は生じようが 祖国の命取りになるような事態は招くまい との 甘い 希望的観測を抱えておっ た
[音楽] 日中戦争での戦死者18万人以上 東條たち 陸軍首脳は 撤兵はその犠牲を無にするものとして 受け止めていた
10:03 村の女性が日本人のこう身ごもり自殺し た16歳で美しい子だっ た日本人の獣に虐待されレイプされた女性 の一人だっ た現地の日本軍が作成した報告書 11:14 占領当初が多発したことが記されてい た 日本軍は 略奪やを厳しく禁じたがそれが徹底さ れることはなかった
The only MLB player to have multiple seasons with 10+ wins and 10+ home runs hit? Shohei Ohtani 🦄#GoHalos x @NationalPro pic.twitter.com/ZC4AjkrFpy
— Los Angeles Angels (@Angels) August 10, 2023
奥富精一 川口市議会議員 自民党 Retweeted
ドイツ在住 川口 マーン 惠美さんの記事https://t.co/P1OhCUqBnr
— がな🦆 (@uki84696034) August 10, 2023german crime by asylum seekers で検索するといくつかおもしろい記事がでてくる。
AbstractThe paper empirically analyses the causal relationship between immigrants and crime using data for German administrative districts between 2008 and 2019. Before the refugee crisis (2008–2014), an increase in the current share of immigrants increased the total crime rate. In contrast, the effect was negative (or insignificant) during and after the refugee crisis (2015–2019). When analysing the total period, the estimates average out to zero. Studying more closely the composition of the migrant group, a plausible explanation of the negative (or insignificant) effect of immigrants on crime in the later period is related to a larger share of migrants with a less certain residence status.ConclusionsThis paper examines the causal effect of immigrants on the crime rate in Germany employing an IV approach. Before the refugee crisis, i.e. in the period 2008–2014, an increase in the current share of immigrants increased the total crime rate, while during and after the refugee crisis, i.e. in the period 2015–2019, the effect was negative or insignificant. Moreover, there is no evidence that refugees lead to a higher crime rate. For the total period, we find no significant effect of the change
The statistics indeed show that the proportion of foreign suspects has increased. The fact is: The chart provides an overview of all criminal offenses.In fact, many studies aiming to measure immigration crime only focus on overall “crude” crime numbers. These will not take into account many other factors, such as the ever-changing number of crimes in Germany over the decades. In his study, Yue Huang found no systematic correlation between the number of refugees and the number of German victims regarding crimes committed by refugees: “We did not find any evidence for a systematic link between the scale of refugee immigration and the risk of Germans to become victims of a crime in which refugees are suspects.
ConclusionIf you only look at the numbers, Gauland is right in his thesis. The number of refugees as suspects has increased since Merkel’s refugee policy. However, one cannot conclude that Germany has become more insecure as a result. Studies have shown not only that war refugees from Syria barely appear in the police statistics, Germans are also not more likely to become a victim of a crime committed by a refugee than before 2015. The majority of refugees living in Germany are male, young, poorer than average and residents of large cities. These factors statistically increase the risk of becoming a criminal
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