アイルランドって今世界で2番目に豊かな 国なんですね一番は6000ブルグだから あれは国というより一つのなんていうか町 みたいなものだからそれは置いといて実績 に世界で一番豊かな国はアイルランドなん ですよそれは全世界の多国籍をねアップル03:17 GoogleねFacebookもう AdobeMicrosoftそういった 国の本全部はこのアイルランドに本社を 置いてるからなんですよそうなんですか アメリカ企業でそのシリコンバレーに本社 あるじゃんと思うじゃないですか Appleとか 法律上の本社は全部あれなんじゃあるん ですよ ITの大企業はみんな知りませんでした 税金安くしてアイランドの人を雇えばここ に本社を置いていいっていう風にしちゃっ たんですよだから全世界のお金特に アップルだとiPhoneの売上っていう のは全部アイルランドに入るんですよ
last year a survey showed that 7 out of 10 Irish people between 18 to 24 are con
considering permanently leaving the country because they are not happy with the quality of life a big reason is that for a few years now Ireland has been dealing with a notoriously bad housing crisis
Ireland is in many ways a surprisingly badly managed country that's failing at building basic infrastructure and managing key public services for years Ireland has struggled to build roads and energy infrastructure and its National Healthcare System is in a Perpetual crisis as it is constantly massively overcrowded underfunded and its doctors are running away to other
English-speaking countries
for example it has quite a high average salary but it's not nearly as high as it should be considering its GDP the Irish average salary is lower than in most Scandinavian countries and similar to an average salary in
countries like Netherlands Belgium or Austria except that the GDP per capita of these countries is barely half that of Ireland and other statistics show a similar Trend the household disposable income which is measuring basically how much money do people actually have at their disposal but Ireland on the 17th Place below the average of the European Union in other words there is a big gap between data showing how wealthy Ireland is and how wealthy the people actually are
the Irish GDP statistics are massively inflated to such an extent that they do not actually reflect reality and that's because Ireland's GDP is driven mostly by global corporations moving their profits to Ireland profits that were not made in Ireland by companies that are not Irish and that are taken out of the country without actually ever entering the Irish economy this has been called
the Magical accounting also hides a lot of flaws in the Irish economy that would be otherwise
immediately visible and that are well concerning Ireland for example has one of the highest National debts in the world but because a national debt is usually reported in relation to a country's GDP and because Ireland has an insanely High GDP this goes unnoticed
the economists Aaron levinstein once said that statistics are like bikinis what they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is
たしかにGDPは高くなったが、平均賃金も家計可処分所得 も低い。これは海外の大企業が来てGDPは上がったものの、在アイルランド外資系大企業に務めるアイルランド人は少ないからなんだ、と。さらにインフラは未整備で医療体制も悪い、不動産は高騰しているので、若い人たちの7割が海外に移住したいと思っているんだ、と。
見かけ上のGDPが高いだけなのに大きな借金があってアイルランドやこれからやばいんじゃないか、と。00:00 look just think about it for a minute almost every everybody spends most of their life living in a totalitarian system it's called having a job when you have a job you're under total control of the of the masters of the enterprise they determine what you wear when you go to the bathroom what you do the very idea of a wage contract is selling yourself into servitude these are private governments they're more totalitarian than governments are but they they can't uh legally murder you or imprison they
00:42 can't legally murder you but they can control everything that you do okay well again the right-wing libertarian argument well you're free to leave at any time yes you're free to starve that's exactly right you have a choice between starving or selling yourself to a tyranny very libertarian the right-wing libertarians whatever they believe are actually deep authoritarians they're calling for subordination to private tyrannies the worst kind of tyrannies
上皇様は人気者だな。手を繋いでいるところが可愛い。@beautygrace.yuko たまたま早くついた京都駅 凄い奇跡!!全てが奇跡! 生まれて初めてお会いできた! 感謝🌸🌸🌸#天皇陛下 #上皇陛下 #上皇后さま #京都 #京都御苑 #天照大神 ♬ オリジナル楽曲 - 中田 裕子
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