
岸田首相が笑顔で乗っているゆるキャラ 象ゼー くん とか?




 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted 岸田首相が笑顔で乗っているゆるキャラ象ゼーくん、とか・・・誰かイラスト描いてほしい。

 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted 脳性麻痺の小学校の同級生が一人のクリスマスとかFBで愚痴っぽいこと書いていたので、下手な訳をつけておくってあげた。 原発も再生エネルギーも同時進行でいかないとな。

ただ、森林伐採して太陽光発電して、逆に炭素を貯め込むエコシステムを破壊してしまうのも気をつけないとなあ・・・、そこらへん頭のいい人たちの意見を聞きたい。 ただ、これは舞台の上であって、おっさんが堂々とOLと同じ格好で会社には行けないと思うよ・・・まだ。 How transgender people navigate Iran Monir Ghaedi 05/16/2021May 16, 2021
Despite Iran's rigid attitudes toward sexuality, its capital, Tehran, has been dubbed one of the world's hubs for sex-reassignment surgery. Transgender individuals live and work with no legal barriers in the country. The government even helps with the costs of hormone medicine and gender reassignment surgery for those who want it.

 In the 1950s, the publicity surrounding Coccinelle helped to establish Casablanca as being a place where certain doctors were willing to perform sex change operations, albeit in clandestine circumstances.[15] 

 Today, it is unclear whether this reputation still exists or what the current government policy is for transgender people. A Moroccan transgender woman named Randa did reportedly publish a book, although little is known about its contents or commercial success.[1


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