
”whoever kills you will think he is offering a service to God”

「キエフの幽霊」日本で漫画になり、ウクライナでも出版されたようだ。 キエフの幽霊(Ghost of Kyiv)はウクライナ戦争開戦当時、一日で圧倒的なロシア機を6機も撃ち落としたパイロットの伝説。 結局、Ghost of...

黒木 昭弘さんの投稿 2022年12月9日金曜日


この文章読むだけで泣けて来るもんなあ。 特攻みたいなもんだよ。


今日から岸田首相肝いりの「核なき世界」国際賢人会議が始まるという。中国の御用学者も入っている。無意味この上ない。 増税を打ち出す一方こうした露骨な税金の無駄遣いをやる。首相の自覚はあるのだろうか

島田 洋一さんの投稿 2022年12月9日金曜日




慰安婦強制連行といった虚偽を正す活動をしてきた杉田水脈氏を、まさに虚偽を広めてきた福島“現実を”みずほ氏らが叩くのは論外。 言葉尻を捉えるのでなく活動全体を捉えて評価すべきだ。

島田 洋一さんの投稿 2022年12月8日木曜日



非サタン化に黒魔術 プーチン政権、持ち出し始めた「聖戦」論理 

ヨハネによる福音書 16:2 JA1955




最近知ったELAINE PAGELSさんも、The Origin of Satan で、
Conflict between groups is, of course, nothing new. What may be new in Western Christian tradition, as we shall see, is how the use of Satan to represent one’s enemies lends to conflict a specific kind of moral and religious interpretation, in which “we” are God’s people and “they” are God's enemies, and ours as well. Those who adopt this view are encouraged to believe, as Jesus warned his followers, that “whoever kills you will think heis offering a service to God” (John 16:2). Such moral interpretation of conflict has proven extraordinarily effective throughout Western history in consolidating the identity of Christian groups; the same history also shows that it can justify hatred, even mass slaughter. Research for this book has made me aware of aspects of Christianity I find disturbing. During the past several years, rereading the gospels, I was struck by how their vision of supernatural struggle both expresses conflict and raises it to cosmic dimensions. This research, then, reveals certain fault lines in Christian tradition that have allowed for the demonizing of others throughout Christian history—fault lines that go back nearly two thousand years to the origins of the Christian movement.








Twitterは、今回の調査結果はあくまで増幅結果の偏りを示すもので、アルゴリズムがその偏りを発生させた原因だということを示したわけではないことを強調しています。Twitterのソフトウェアエンジニアリング・ディレクターであるRumman Chowdhury氏は、調査結果について「何が原因で特定のコンテンツが増幅されるのかは不明です。はっきり言うと、プラットフォーム上での人々の行動によるユーザー主導の面もあると思われますが、具体的にどうなのかは分かりません。


 Why would Twitter’s algorithms promote conservative politicians? Our research suggests an unlikely but plausible reason: It’s because they get dunked on so much. Our data shows that conservative politicians in the United States are more likely than their peers to — in Twitter slang — be “ratioed.” 

 For people who don’t use Twitter, that term may require some explanation. When a tweet receives more quotes and replies than direct retweets — meaning users are commenting on the tweet rather than just bringing it to the attention of their followers — it often indicates that the tweet was unpopular, or a bad take that many Twitter users mock. (The “ratio” refers to the degree to which the direct retweets are outnumbered by commentary.) But Twitter’s algorithms may interpret the unpopularity of conservative politicians’ tweets as increased engagement, and therefore decide to amplify them.







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