
”this is the world we want”

「エスカレーターで歩かない」は浸透するか? “禁止条例”施行も…



同性婚訴訟 東京地裁、法制度ナシは「違憲状態」「重大な脅威、障害」 専門家は「司法も不利益に向き合い始めた」



 小栗委員 「そうです。ではどうするべきか。判決では、今の婚姻制度に同性婚を含めるのか、あるいは一部の国で導入されているような婚姻と近い別の制度とするのかなどは国会が考えることだとして、今の法律そのものは憲法違反ではないとして、損害請求は退けています」





 Guardian-reading wokerati Retweeted デモーー日本でデモしても・・・・まあ、いいけど・・・写真取られて本国に帰国させられないようにね!




 池田信夫 Retweeted The ExposéFrom Wikipedia 

 The Exposé (formerly known as The Daily Exposé)[3] is a British conspiracist website created in 2020 by Jonathan Allen-Walker.[1][2] It is known for publishing COVID-19 and anti-vaccine misinformation.[7]



However, no “study” has reached the conclusion that European national vaccination rates correlate with mortality, as suggested in some social media posts. The clip from a news report shared online implies a causal relationship based on a presenter’s juxtaposition of cherry-picked examples from two unrelated sets of data, independent experts told Reuters Fact Check. The comparison between total vaccination doses given in Europe and mortality rates during a single month also fails to account for other potential causes of death or provide any evidence of a connection to vaccination, experts said.

A spokesperson for Statista – who said the statistics were taken from Our World in Data, with original sources being the World Health Organization and government institutions – told Reuters via email that “comparing all vaccinations with just one month is obviously nonsense”.

Pointing out that the implied relationship does not hold for some of the other countries depicted in the two maps, Morris said, “If vaccines were causing substantial excess deaths, we should consistently see it in high-vaccination countries, not just a cherry picked few.”

“They (Steyn) sarcastically say ‘correlation is not causation’, but that is true,” Morris added. “However, they have not even demonstrated that there is indeed a correlation if looking broadly beyond their cherry-picked examples.”




すぐにこういう返答ができるというのはやっぱ頭いいんだな。 国際試合というのはナショナリズムを煽りやすいが、こういう場面もあるんだよな。

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