The main points of the books can be summarized as follows. Christianity was a conscious, and politically determined invention, similar to the creation of the official state-cult of Serapis by the Ptolemies. The Gospels and the other writings of the New Testament should be properly regarded as a product of the Flavian propaganda ( CC , p.289: ... The New Testament is imperial Roman propaganda designed for a brief political reality ...). They were created as a reaction to the activity of the rebellious Jewish movements inspired by the anti-Roman “militant messianism” which posed a threat to the social and political order both in Palestine and in Rome
支配者への従順 1人は皆、上に立つ権威に従うべきです。神に由来しない権威はなく、今ある権威はすべて神によって立てられたものだからです。 2従って、権威に逆らう者は、神の定めに背くことになり、背く者は自分の身に裁きを招くでしょう。 3実際、支配者は、善を行う者にはそうではないが、悪を行う者には恐ろしい存在です。あなたは権威者を恐れないことを願っている。それなら、善を行いなさい。そうすれば、権威者からほめられるでしょう。 4権威者は、あなたに善を行わせるために、神に仕える者なのです。しかし、もし悪を行えば、恐れなければなりません。権威者はいたずらに剣を帯びているのではなく、神に仕える者として、悪を行う者に怒りをもって報いるのです。 5だから、怒りを逃れるためだけでなく、良心のためにも、これに従うべきです。 6あなたがたが貢を納めているのもそのためです。権威者は神に仕える者であり、そのことに励んでいるのです。 7すべての人々に対して自分の義務を果たしなさい。貢を納めるべき人には貢を納め、税を納めるべき人には税を納め、恐るべき人は恐れ、敬うべき人は敬いなさい。
Nero himself blamed the fire on an obscure new Jewish religious sect called the Christians, whom he indiscriminately and mercilessly crucified. During gladiator matches he would feed Christians to lions, and he often lit his garden parties with the burning carcasses of Christian human torches. Yet there is evidence that, in 64 A.D., many Roman Christians believed in prophecies predicting that Rome would soon be destroyed by fire. Perhaps the fire was set off by someone hoping to make the prediction come true.
Tacitus described Christianity as a “pernicious superstition” and the Christians themselves as degraded and sordid. However, no ancient writer suggests that these Christians were persecuted for their faith alone. They were charged with committing the crime of arson.The Romans were horrible, bloodthirsty people in many ways. But the treatment of Christians by the Roman imperial state was more complex than we might at first think. Persecution of Christians was carried out on the local level, and usually initiated by provincial mobs.Death – particularly by lions – was not an inevitable punishment, and not restricted to Christians. Universal edicts of persecution were only issued on specific occasions in the third and early fourth centuries A.D. They were a result of the emperors trying to reinforce traditional Roman religion in increasingly unsettled times.
The name Joshua is primarily a male name of Hebrew origin that means God Is My Salvation.
”I'll be back"
11 兄弟たちよ。わたしがもし今でも割礼を宣べ伝えていたら、どうして、いまなお迫害されるはずがあろうか。そうしていたら、十字架のつまずきは、なくなっているであろう。12 あなたがたの煽動者どもは、自ら去勢してしまうがよかろう。
こんな感じで、しかも、イエスの死後何十年後にかかれている。あれだけの奇跡を起こし、 地域の話題になったはずのイエス・キリストの記録が同時代にはないのである。
The Pagan Origins of the Cross
Osiris-Dionysus is God made flesh, the saviour and 'Son of God'.
His father is God and his mother is a mortal virgin.
He is born in a cave or humble cowshed on 25 December before three shepherds.
He offers his followers the chance to be born again through the rites of baptism.
He miraculously turns water into wine at a marriage ceremony.
He rides triumphantly into town on a donkey while people wave palm leaves to honour him.
He dies at Eastertime as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.
After his death he descends to hell, then on the third day he rises from the dead and ascends to
eaven in glory.
His followers await his return as the judge during the Last Days.
His death and resurrection are celebrated by a ritual meal of bread and wine which symbolize
is body and blood.(The Jesus Mysteries: Timothy Freke・ Peter Gandy)
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