
”the idea of God as the Absolute Other is ridiculous”


MOYERS: So through life we are honoring or suppressing one or the other.
CAMPBELL: And in that yin/yang figure from China, in the dark fish, or whatever you
want to call it, there is the light spot. And in the light one, there's a dark spot. That's
how they can relate. You couldn't relate at all to something in which you did not
somehow participate. That's why the idea of God as the Absolute Other is ridiculous

 キリスト教では神を「絶対他者」 みたいに言うことが多いですが、そんなの愚かだ、と。キャンベルはインドとか禅仏教とか他の文化の神話を知っていたからそう言えるんだろうね。神と人間は一体。だから、トマスの福音書を評価する。



この文脈で「回転力」っていえば、”spin ”だろうと思って 原文をみると 

On this particular visit, having again exulted over the perils and heroics of Luke Skywalker, Joe grew animated as he talked about how Lucas "has put the newest and most powerful spin" to the classic story of the hero.


JOSEPH CAMPBELL: What he was saying is that this love is bigger even than death, than pain, than anything. This is the affirmation of the pain of life in a big way.



. One can experience an unconditional affirmation of life only when one has accepted death, not as contrary to life but as an aspect of life. Life in its becoming is always shedding death, and on the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of life. That is the cardinal initiation of every heroic adventure -- fearlessness and achievement.

I remember reading as a boy of the war cry of the Indian braves riding into battle against the rain of bullets of Custer's men. "What a wonderful day to die!" There was no hanging on there to life. That is one of the great messages of mythology. I, as I now know myself, am not the final form of my being.


CAMPBELL: That you have to balance between death and life -- they are two aspects of the same thing, which is being, becoming

 そして、生と死は、生成 becoming の一つの側面なんだ、と。



Later, a newspaper reporter asked him, "Why didn't you let go? You would have been killed."

And his reported answer was, "I couldn't let go. If I had let that young man go, I couldn't have lived

another day of my life." How come?

Schopenhauer's answer is that such a psychological crisis represents the breakthrough of a metaphysical realization, which is that you and that other are one, that you are two aspects of the one life, and that your apparent separateness is but an effect of the way we experience forms under the conditions of space and time. Our true reality is in our identity and unity with all life. This is a metaphysical truth which may become spontaneously realized under circumstances of crisis. For it is, according to Schopenhauer, the truth of your life.

The hero is the one who has given his physical life to some order of realization of that truth. The concept of love your neighbor is to put you in tune with this fact.



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'You wish to execute Lailie?' asked the old man.

'Yes,' answered the King. 'But I cannot make up my mind how to do it.'

'But you are Lailie,' said the old man.

'That's not true,' replied the King. 'Lailie is Lailie, and I am I.'

'You and Lailie are one,' said the old man. 'You only imagine you are not Lailie, and that Lailie is not you.'


CAMPBELL: Yes, but in spite of this, I think we may know approximately what Jesus said. I think the sayings of Jesus are probably pretty close to the originals. The main teaching of Christ, for example, is, Love your enemies.

MOYERS: How do you love your enemy without condoning what the enemy does, without accepting his aggression?

CAMPBELL: I'll tell you how to do that: do not pluck the mote from your enemy's eyes, but pluck the beam from your own. No one is in a position to disqualify his enemy's way of life.



マタイによる福音書 7

1「人を裁くな。あなたがたも裁かれないようにするためである。 2あなたがたは、自分の裁く裁きで裁かれ、自分の量る秤で量り与えられる。 3あなたは、兄弟の目にあるおが屑は見えるのに、なぜ自分の目の中の丸太に気づかないのか。 4兄弟に向かって、『あなたの目からおが屑を取らせてください』と、どうして言えようか。自分の目に丸太があるではないか。 5偽善者よ、まず自分の目から丸太を取り除け。そうすれば、はっきり見えるようになって、兄弟の目からおが屑を取り除くことができる。



 love your neighbor as yourself と同じようにlove your enemies as yourself とか、Love your enemies as your children いう言葉が新約聖書の言葉にあってもよかった、と私は思う。

 「私」ってのはいまここの個人ですけど、同時に時間的にいうと過程、空間的にいうと全体でもある、*ということになれば、"I and the Father are one” 私は神と一つと言ったキリストの言葉は他人事でもない、ということになる。仏教では「即心即仏」「山川草木悉皆成仏 」とも言われる。ところが、

CAMPBELL: That's right -- Jesus did. Now, according to the normal way of thinking about the Christian religion, we cannot identify with Jesus, we have to imitate Jesus. To say, "I and the Father are one," as Jesus said, is blasphemy for us. However, in the Thomas gospel that was dug up in Egypt some forty years ago, Jesus says, "He who drinks from my mouth will become as I am, and I shall be he." Now, that is exactly Buddhism.





「わたし」って例えば、超越的自己とか、精神的自己とか、皮膚に画された自己とか、道具を使いながら延長、伸縮する自己とか、役割的、役柄的自己とか、Das Man として自己とか・・・いろいろ捉え方がある。そこらへんは廣松渉がわりに論じているところでもある。かれも自己について、水道の「蛇口」や「蛇口ー水道管ーダム体系」などの比喩を使った論述もある。ただ、彼は宗教でいうような自己はある種の錯視だ、というだろうとは思うが。


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