Predestination is the idea that it has already been decided who will go to heaven and who will go to hell and there is nothing you can do about this during your time on Earth. Good deeds, repentance, penance: none of this will save you: God had already decided your fate before you were born. The problem with this belief is that it fails to perform many of the functions that sociologists like Parsons or Malinowski suggested religion should perform, because it offers little comfort. Indeed, people were leading these ascetic, joyless lives without knowing if they were to receive any reward in heaven. This contributed to a sense of anxiety, sometimes described as salvation panic. This led to Calvinists looking for signs from God that they were indeed among the elect (those who would go to heaven). They increasingly came to see success as a sign, and therefore threw themselves into their work.そういう意味だったのかあ。
生まれた時から天国行くか地獄行くか決まっていて、生きている間に何やろうとも行き先が変わらないなら・・・・享楽に走ったほうがよくね?と思うが・・・そうじゃなくて、「うわああ、もう決まっているんだ?おれ天国行けるかなあ??? ・・・この世の成功者は天国に行ける・・・成功は天国への「おしるし」だ・・・禁欲、貯蓄 投資 成功 →・・(きっと天国に行ける→やっったあ!)・・・→資本主義
<社説>敵基地攻撃能力 専守防衛の形骸化憂う
上の動画でも言っていたが、やっぱ、韓国の方々が感情的ってのは有名なんだ?congratulations to an emotional s korea
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) December 2, 2022
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