

デーブ・スペクターの霊感商法“殺し文句”を駆使するオチなしツイートに「座布団一枚」など称賛の声 2022/08/20  




Daron Acemoglu says If Geography, culture, or climate should have played a role in the poverty & prosperity of nations then there shouldn’t have been any differences between South Korea & North Korea. Both countries are so close, separated by a just border, yet so different. South Korea is rich, prosperous, with better living standards, education & health care. In contrast, North Korea is the opposite of it suffering in poverty & dictatorship. 
So if not geography, culture & ignorance then what is it that leads countries to prosperity or poverty? Or why nations fail then. 
Here comes the core of the book: Inclusive economic & political institutions & Extractive economic & political institutions. Rich, democratic, economically sound & stable countries have inclusive institutions while poor, unstable, absolute, or dictatorial have extractive institutions in place. 
Inclusive institutions involve pluralism, broader political participation & economic opportunities in society for everybody, it allows innovation, entrepreneurship, property rights, rule of law, competition & accountability of leaders. Examples are Western democracies.


下村 ✕ 猪瀬の密約なのか、それとも、安倍 ✕ 森 でなにかあったのか? いずれにせよ、舛添、猪瀬がそうした密約をひっくり返せなかった責任も重いし、いまさら、責任のなすりつけあいしているのも醜い・・・政治の闇は深いね。

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