
Seen through a white gaze

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  〝公安警察は中核派見張れ〟 日本共産党が共謀罪推進 発行日: 2017年6月 8日 第2850号 主張/理論 週刊『前進』02頁(2850号02面03)(2017/06/09)




Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women. It is a form of sexism that keeps women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the societal roles of patriarchy.



Definition of misogyny

: hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women


The (Etymological) Roots of Misogyny

Misogyny may be distinguished from the closely related word sexism, which signifies discrimination based on sex (although it most frequently refers to discrimination against women) and also carries the meaning “behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex.”

Misogyny refers specifically to a hatred of women. The word is formed from the Greek roots misein (“to hate”) and gynē (“woman”)

Naomi Wolf

sexism is not in fact misogyny; someone can like women quite a lot in person but be very happy to support systematic discrimination against them (sexism) or to use gender stereotypes against them (sexism). 

Julie Bindel

When a man claims that women are naturally maternal, or are by default, bad drivers, he is a sexist. If he was to add that women are only good for a fuck and should be confined to servicing men and their children, it is misogyny. Misogynists are always sexist, but sexists are not always misogynists.

For example, if a man says of a woman, "Look at the state of that fat, ugly cow, I wouldn't touch her with yours," then he is a misogynist. It would follow that he does not respect women as equals and is therefore also a sexist.

When a person (male)is so disgusted with the female that has simply walked by that the said person would not even have intercourse with her, even if he were to use his friend's penis

A new book by Cornell philosophy professor Kate Manne has answers. She argues that misogyny is not about male hostility or hatred toward women — instead, it’s about controlling and punishing women who challenge male dominance. Misogyny rewards women who reinforce the status quo and punishes those who don’t.

Kate Manne
 One way of looking at it is we have these patriarchal social structures, bastions of male privilege where a dominant man might feel entitled to (and often receive) feminine care and attention from women.

I think of misogyny and sexism as working hand-in-hand to uphold those social relations. Sexism is an ideology that says, “These arrangements just make sense. Women are just more caring, or nurturing, or empathetic,” which is only true if you prime people by getting them to identify with their gender.

So sexism is the ideology that supports patriarchal social relations, but misogyny enforces it when there’s a threat of that system going away.

 The Difference Between Sexism and Misogyny, and Why It Matters

By Pallavi Prasad

Oct 1, 2019

If patriarchy is the overarching social organization in which men hold the power, and from which women are largely excluded, then misogyny and sexism are the two drivers that uphold this system. If patriarchy is the state with a capital S, the sexism is the ideology, the legislative pillar: it is a form of prejudice made up of assumptions, theories, and stereotypes that normalize and justify patriarchal norms as the most inevitable and desirable. Misogyny, then, is the method. It is both the executive and the judiciary, in that it enforces the ideology and reprimands where there is a breach of law

 Not all sexists are misogynists: you can believe women are fragile creatures just waiting to experience the joy of motherhood (sexist), without being hostile towards women (misogynistic). But all misogynists are sexists.


 1)セクシズムは女性差別の思想 ミソジニーは女性を憎悪し侮蔑することであり、女性差別思想を実践、遂行すること、男性が権力をもち、男性が支配、優越する女性差別的秩序を揺るがそうとする女性を攻撃すること。







Leibovitz’s photographs are what happens when Blackness is seen through a white gaze that is incapable of capturing its true beauty. 




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